Tuesday, May 26, 2020

It's the Indians in Indian Army who are helping Kolkata and West Bengal to get back to normal after Cyclone Amphan in May 2020

Salute and respect to the great organization, viz. the INDIAN ARMY. Salute to it's great people who hail from every corner of India and are recruited, trained, disciplined and bonded together to respond to any and every need of BHARATMATA.
With a ruptured ego, WB government sought the help of army post Cyclone #Amphan to bring Kolkata and West Bengal limping back to life at lightning speed.
These great people in Indian Army are INDIANS/ HINDUSTANIS/ BHARATBASHI and not Bangalis.
Indians in Indian Army always rush to aid every Indian, and not specifically Bangalis, Marathis, Malayalis, Punjabis.
They protect every INDIAN/ HINDUSTANI citizen irrespective of whether the citizen is a fish lover or a guthka lover or an idli lover or poha lover or makki ki roti lover.
They don't speak in Bangla or Marathi or Assamese while they are away from home for months at a stretch.
Nor are they given instructions in writing in Bangla.
Even while West Bengal is ravaged by the killer pandemic and the after effects of the deadly cyclone, a new irrelevant tribe of ungrateful self proclaimed intellectuals are even more active in obliquely trying to promote the narrative that Bangla speaking Bangalis could have also done what the 'gutkha-kor' Biharis or UPites or Odiyas who are the lifeline of CESC or WBSEB linesmen do or what the Malayali/ Manipuri lady nurses in private hospitals do.
The tribe of #QualifiedUneducated ('MURKH') are mainly local state government working or retired employees, who get their bloated salary/ pension cheques credited to their bank accounts without doing anything. They are not the Bengali middle-class. They project themselves as middle-class but have already acquired a lot of slush wealth stacked somewhere while behaving like 'people of the masses' intellectual commies.
With ample time at their disposal they are trying to gain relevance by drumming up sentiments of 'unemployable and lazy'  Bangalis.
Narrating 50 or 250 Bangla verses from the works of the great bards Bengal produced decades ago doesn't make people educated. It's the upbringings, exposure, modesty, inter-personal interactions, propensity to truly help which matters.
They should sniff the fresh air and acknowledge that it's important to be honest mentors of future generations. Degrees acquired through plagiarized knowledge are worth nothing more than tissues to wipe derriere. Those trash of papers don't make one a mentor.
New India is already exposing their bluffs. They will now be individually named and shamed. It will not be long before these idiots will have to run for cover to the nearest available rathole.
People or the 'non-cohesive' forces who can't identify themselves as Indians first are diabolical crooks which the country can do without!

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