Saturday, May 23, 2020

Trucks carrying biscuits and bottled water flagged off from Delhi for Uttarakhand as relief material by Gandhis on 2013-06-16 yet to reach destination

On the 16th day of June 2013 there was a huge flood in Kedarnath in the Uttarakhand state causing heavy destruction and casualties. 25,000 pilgrims died in the heavy flood which continued for three consecutive days. The Congress Government didn't take any measurements to rescue the pilgrims who were trapped in Kedarnath. On the fourth day the international community came to know of the terrible disaster and the news became the headlines of international media! It was only then that the shameless Congress Government made a declaration of assistance!
But it was only a declaration, on the 18th of June Sonia Gandhi went to the United States of America for some medical treatment, and Rahul Gandhi was in Bangkok. They were informed and they returned to India on the 21st of June!
After a huge media coverage the Congress Government sent packets of biscuits and mineral water in eight trucks. All these trucks were carrying huge posters of Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, and the mother and son waved flags to start off the convoy. Photos were taken and were in the front pages of print media and the news became the headlines of all national newspapers. But neither the hiring charges nor the cost of diesel were paid, so after traveling for eight days the truck drivers sold the mineral water bottles and packets of biscuits to recover their hiring charges and costs of diesel and went back! Till today nobody ever asked what happened to the biscuits and mineral water bottles sent as rations for the poor pilgrims!
Then when the corpses started putrefaction and started smelling after 15 days the local villagers started a movement in fear of spread of epidemics! The villagers themselves performed cremation of the corpses but we're afraid on seeing the shear numbers of corpses spread over large areas! Then the corpses of the Hindu pilgrims were traded, the Congress Government called a tender for the removal of the dead bodies! A company called the tender and was given the tender at the rate of ₹ 4,60,000 per removal of each of the dead bodies! A total number of 16,000 dead bodies were removed in the next three days. The Government immediately cleared the payment of ₹ 7,36,00,00,000 which is unusually fast considering the red tapism of the officials! More bodies were continuously discovered for months, then skeletons were discovered after that!
Can you guess who was the owner of the company responsible for the disposal of the bodies?
Who else except the National son in law Robert Vadra who established the company with hired choppers! The biscuits and mineral water bottles sent by the mother and son didn't reach even today!
It was the biggest trade of dead bodies in the history of the world!
Just trying to remind you about a scam,

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