Friday, May 29, 2020

Firhad Hakim got an apt reply for demeaning the Indian Army

Firhad Hakim, the erstwhile Mayor of Kolkata Municipal Corporation got an apt reply from a responsible Indian citizen for demeaning the Indian Army.
The services of the Army was requisitioned 72 hrs after the scary Cyclone Amphan of Wednesday, 2020-05-20 wreaked havoc in Kolkata and the districts of West Bengal.
The army worked tirelessly to bring back a semblance of normalcy in the city by cutting down/ removing the fallen trees which had snapped power supply and blocked roads.
Firhad Hakim (Bobby) ridiculed the army and compared them to the efforts of miniature squirrels in Ramayana during the construction of Ram Setu over the ocean.
* How India Travels

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