Sunday, May 24, 2020

"Chop my head off" was her new rhetoric on 23rd May 2020 after she has failed miserably post Cyclone Amphan

Post Cyclone Amphan people had been without water and electricity after 75+ hrs even on Saturday, 2020-05-23. People in Kolkata and the affected districts have become very vocal after HER entire administration were caught with their pants down in terms of unpreparedness.
Amidst all that, hear her chant her rhetoric to cover up her utter failure.
In a press meet on 23rd May at her office in Nabanna, she is clearly heard asking people to 'chop off her head' in lieu of basic needs.
She went to the extent of blaming the 34 yrs of Left rule to put the blame on CESC and justify why people have to live without electricity.
* Chop My Head Off
* Didir Baani
* How India Travels

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