Thursday, May 28, 2020

Coffee at Starbucks is more important than than the fear of Coronavirus during lockdown 4.0 in end May 2020

6 pm at a Starbucks in Mumbai on Tuesday 2020-05-26, the scene from my car window while returning from a grocery run. Now let me get this straight :

Counted 21 people ‘hanging around’ huddled together less than an arm’s length apart.. with most without masks happily chatting across a cup of coffee.
Mumbai is the worst Corona hit city with 30,000 cases, an acute shortage of hospital beds and people dying on the street unable to get treatment in time.

Now I’m guessing a ‘person’ paying 400 bucks for coffee is not an illiterate slum dweller or a walking migrant worker dying of thirst. These are educated supposedly ‘sensible’ people.

Am I the only one thinking the situation around us is grim ? Can somebody explain to me WHAT IS GOING ON 🤷đŸģ‍♂️ ?

Text and photo courtesy: Pavitr Saith
The priorities of life for these elitists in Mumbai (or anywhere in India) are so mixed up.
I can vouch that quite a few of those crowding the road devoid of the usual traffic or seen cozily sitting and sipping coffee priced at ₹400+ per cup at the signature coffee shop in upmarket Mumbai  are discussing the plight of migrant workers walking 1000 kms back home.
And all these happening on 2020-05-26, even while #lockdown 4.0 is in force and almost 7,000 people are being tested #Covid19 positive everyday, with Mumbai being the worst hit 😡
* Qualified Uneducated
* How India Travels
* Indian Roadie Covid19 Lockdown Tales

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