Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Pooja Jayswal's father is another of the living and the dead who has vanished from Covid wards/ hospitals in West Bengal ever since March 2020

It's a curse to be affected by Covid-19 or any ailments as a matter of fact in West Bengal. Relatives of patients have no clues about the whereabouts of their dear ones after being admitted to hospital or after being picked up from home. Relatives are not even being informed if their dear ones are Corona positive or not. What's even worse is that mobiles have been banned in Covid hospitals/ wards. Dead bodies are being disposed off at undisclosed locations.
The accompanying video is just one out of the hundreds of such incidents/ events being reported across West Bengal every week.
Watch/ hear Pooja Jayswal, the daughter of a gentleman and residents of Amherst Street who had to get her father admitted for high fever to the Green Block of state owned Calcutta Medical College on 2019-05-12. The father is untraceable. The hospital authorities or the police are just avoiding her.
Right thinking intellectuals/ advocates and judges of High Court should immediately revoke the government order to ban mobile phones from hospitals.
And all these inhuman and heart wrenching acts are happening on the 'inspiration' of the one and only living #GreatestGiftOfGodToBengaliMankind.
How long will people in Bengal have to tolerate these diabolical intentions to hoodwink people?
There are a lot of Communist minded and ruling party leaning individual 'Qualified Uneducated' Bengali 'Enemies Within' who see no wrong in all the calculated nonsense happening in the wasted state.
* Didir Kirti
* Covid19
* Coronavirus
* How India Travels

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