Depicts the daily life of an average Indian and also how India is progressing as a developing nation. The contents are serious, educational, satirical, hilarious or purely for your information and imagination. The happenings or pictures are not in any specific chronological order and has been collected from various sources. How India Travels is an initiative by (virtual space identity of Deep Banerjee). Click on the pictures to view larger versions of the same.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Karnataka Police thrashed Muslims at Mudhol who defied the request to observe a total lockdown against Coronavirus
Karnataka Police went all out to size up the the defiant attitude of the Muslim community.
In Mudhol, 60 kms from the district town of Bagalkote, police cracked their canes hard on idiots who knowingly flouted the lockdown orders to prevent the spread of CoronaVirus.
Hindus defying the Lockdown Against Coronavirus are being rightfully beaten up, too.
The police in Karnataka deserve all the laurels.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
3 wives and 20 children along with 10 other family members of 65-yr-old Muslim man from Tumkur district in Karnataka who died of Covid19 quarantined
65-yr-old Muslim man from Tumkur district who had travelled to Delhi recently died of Covid-19. His 3 wives and 20 children along with 10 other family members quarantined.
A 65-year-old man from Karnataka’s Tumkur district died after contracting Covid-19, a senior official of Karnataka government said on Friday, 2020-03-27. With this the number of coronavirus disease-related fatalities in Karnataka rose to 3.
The man had apparently stayed at Jama Masjid in Delhi and returned to Bengaluru by train on March 11.
The deceased had come in contact with at least 33 people. Contact tracing has started for all who came in touch with the man.
All three of his wives and 20 children along with 10 other family members have been quarantined.
Karnataka has reported 62 Covid-19 cases till Friday, 2020-03-27, including the five people who have been discharged and three deaths, Karnataka government officials said on Friday.
A 65-year-old man from Karnataka’s Tumkur district died after contracting Covid-19, a senior official of Karnataka government said on Friday, 2020-03-27. With this the number of coronavirus disease-related fatalities in Karnataka rose to 3.
The man had apparently stayed at Jama Masjid in Delhi and returned to Bengaluru by train on March 11.
The deceased had come in contact with at least 33 people. Contact tracing has started for all who came in touch with the man.
All three of his wives and 20 children along with 10 other family members have been quarantined.
Karnataka has reported 62 Covid-19 cases till Friday, 2020-03-27, including the five people who have been discharged and three deaths, Karnataka government officials said on Friday.
Scam artist Kejriwal instead of fulfilling his promise of feeding 4 lakh poor migrants everyday, decides on dropping them at the Delhi border
Kejriwal made a grand announcement - 'Delhi government will feed 4 lakh poor every day' on 25th March 2020.
Starting 26th March, instead of arranging food, this guy sends AAP workers to the poor, telling them, "we will drop you to the Delhi border so that you can go home."
Now, most of these people are young, and without work to engage them, they are homesick. So they climb these DTC (Delhi Transport Corporation) buses, which dump them on the border and scramble back.
State transport is all CLOSED. This was announced by all and sundry down from the PM, to the RTOs. But these poor people, who don't know and are a victim of scam artist Kejriwal, are stuck at the border.
Now what many of them do, is start walking home. Ranging from 100 to 500 kilometers away. Most of them turn back to Delhi to reach their rented accommodations. Both are thrashed by the cops, who have strict orders to not allow movement, but they are baffled to see bunches of people with bags on their backs trudging along.
Kejriwal is not just an ordinary scam artist. He is a disease worse than corona.
A candid write-up by Narayani Ranganathan which exposes the scam artist Kejriwal in no uncertain terms.
#ModiHaters, please note.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
The following disturbing post (dated 2020-03-24 posted at 12.18pm) has been copied verbatim from the Facebook wall of Debjani Roy Mukherjee (
আজ এক অদ্ভুত ঘটনার মুখোমুখি হলাম।
আমাদের ফ্ল্যাটে, আমার ওপরের ফ্লোরের এক দিদির মেয়ে শনিবার ব্যঙ্গালোর থেকে ফিরেছে। ও ওখানে থাকে চাকরিসূত্রে। ফ্লাইটে ফেরে। একদম স্বাভাবিক, আজ সকাল অবধি মানে এখন সকাল ১১ঃ৩০, আমি যখন এটা লিখছি, এইসময় অবধিও ও একেবারে সুস্থ। কোনো সর্দিকাশি, গলা ব্যাথা, জ্বর কিছু নেই। এখানে এটাও বলে রাখি, ও বাড়ি ফেরার পর থেকে এখনো অবধি এক মূহুর্তের জন্যও বাড়ির বাইরে পা রাখেনি।
রবিবার আমার হাসবেন্ডকে পাড়ার এক গণ্যমান্য ব্যাক্তি ফোন করে প্রথমে জিজ্ঞাসা করে, ও কোথা থেকে এসেছে? ওর মাকে বলা হোক তাকে ফোন করে সব ডিটেইলস জানানোর জন্য(যেহুতু ওই দিদির ফোন নম্বর ওনার কাছে ছিলো না, তাই আমার হাসবেন্ডকে ফোন করে)। আমরা ওই দিদিকে বলতে বল্লে দিদি ফোন করে। সব ডিটেইলস দেওয়ার পর উনি বলেন যে ওকে নিয়ে বেলেঘাটা আইডি হাসপাতালে যেতে হবে, চেক আপের জন্য। দিদি বার বার বলে যে, আমার মেয়ের কোনো সিম্পটম নেই আর ও বাড়ি থেকেও বেরোয় না। তাতেও জোর দেওয়া হয়। তখন দিদি বলে, তাহলে আপনারা বাড়িতে লোক পাঠান। তাতে উনি বলেন যে, সেই ব্যবস্থা আমাদের নেই। তোমরা আইডিতে চলে যাও, সব ব্যবস্থা আমি করে দেবো। স্যানিটাইজ করা এম্বুলেন্স তোমাদের নিয়ে যাওয়া-আসা করবে, কোনো চিন্তা নেই। আর এরপরেও যদি রাজি না হও তাহলে লোকাল কাউন্সিলের কানে গেলে পুলিশ আসবে, তখন কিন্তু আমরা কিছু করবো না। এরপর সোমবার রাতে দমদম থানা থেকে লোক আসে বাড়িতে। মেয়েটির সব ডিটেইলস নিয়ে যায় এবং বলে যে, বড়বাবু ফোন করবে। রাতে বড়বাবু ফোন করেন ও মেয়েটিকে বলেন যে, তুমি তো শিক্ষিত মেয়ে, তোমার কোনো জ্ঞান নেই? যদি পাড়া-প্রতিবেশীদের কিছু হয়ে যায়! মেয়েটি তার যে কোনো শারীরিক অসুবিধা নেই এবং সে বাড়ি থেকে বেরোচ্ছে না সেটা জানায় কিন্তু তাও তাকে চেকাপে যেতে বলা হয়। এরপর দিদি ফোন করে পাড়ার ওই ব্যক্তিকে জানায় যে তারা আইডিতে যাবে।
সেইমতো আজ সকাল ৬-৬ঃ৩০টা নাগাদ বাড়ির দরজায় এম্বুলেন্স আসে এবং তার সাথে ওই ব্যক্তির ফোন যে, তোমরা এপোলো চলে যাও। ওনার কথা মতো এম্বুলেন্স প্রথমে এপোলো নিয়ে যায়। সেখান থেকে বলে হয় আমরি যেতে। আমরিতে গেলে তারা বলে বেলেঘাটা আইডিতে যেতে। বেলেঘাটা আইডিতে গেলে কোনো টেস্ট করা হয়না, উল্টে বলে হয়, শুধু শুধু কেনো এসেছেন? আর নীচে দেওয়া এই কাগজটা দিয়ে ছেড়ে দেওয়া হয়। মা-মেয়ে হসপিটালের বাইরে বেরিয়ে দেখে এম্বুলেন্স চলে গেছে। তখন দিদি সেই ব্যাক্তিকে ফোন করে। সে বলে দেখছি। কিছুক্ষণ পরে ফোন করে বলে, চারটে এম্বুলেন্সই বাইরে বেরিয়ে গেছে, আমার কিছু করার নেই। তোমরা কিছু একটা ব্যবস্থা করে নাও আর কাউকে জানানোর দরকার নেই যে টেস্ট করেনি। কেউ জানতে চাইলে বলবে, নেগেটিভ এসেছে। এরপর এপে ক্যাব বুক করতে গেলে ওলা ও উবের দুটোই পর পর ট্রিপ ক্যান্সেল করে দেয়। ফাঁকা রাস্তায় কিছু না পেয়ে মা-মেয়ে বেলেঘাটা থানায় যায়। সেখানে গেটে আটকানো হলে সামনে যে অফিসার ছিলো গাড়িতে তাকে সব ঘটনা জানিয়ে হাতজোড় করে অনুরোধ করে একটু বাড়িতে পৌঁছে দেওয়ার জন্য। অফিসার বলেন- বেরিয়েছেন কেনো বাড়ি থেকে? যেভাবে এসেছেন সেইভাবে চলে যান। এটা বলে উনি গাড়ি নিয়ে বেরিয়ে যান। তারপর ওরা সি.আই.টি মোড় অবধি এসেও কিছু না পেয়ে আমাকে ফোন করে সব জানায়। তারপর আমরা ওদের আনতে গিয়ে দেখি মা-মেয়ের প্রায় রাস্তায় বসে পড়ার মতো অবস্থা। এই প্রসঙ্গে জানিয়ে রাখি, মেয়েটি জন্ম থেকে একজন এজমা পেসেন্ট। বাড়ি ফেরার পর আমার শ্বশুরমশাইয়ের থেকে একটা ফরোয়ার্ডেড হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ পাই যেটা ওই ব্যক্তি আমার শ্বশুরকে পাঠিয়েছে(উনি আমার শ্বশুরের পরিচিত) যেখানে উনি পুরো ঘটনাটিকে ঘুরিয়ে নিজের গায়ের থেকে এই অবহেলার দায় ঝেড়ে ফেলতে চাইছে।
এখন আমার প্রশ্ন হলো-
১) সুস্থ মেয়েটিকে হাসপাতালে নিয়ে যাওয়া হলো যেখানে আমি যতদূর জানি ICMR-এর গাইডলাইন রয়েছে সিম্পটম ছাড়া হাসপাতালে যাওয়ার প্রয়োজন নেই, এবার এই অতি তৎপরতার জন্য যদি মেয়েটি অসুস্থ হয় তার দায় কে নেবে?
২)আমার হাসবেন্ড টাইপ টু ডায়বেটিস জোনে আছে। তার যদি কিছু হয়, তার দায় কে নেবে?
৩) ভয় দেখিয়ে/চাপ দিয়ে রাস্তায় বার করে তারপর বিপদে ফেলে কেটে পরে এখন ড্যামেজ কন্ট্রোলের যে বাজে চেষ্টাটা করা হচ্ছে তার বিরুদ্ধে কি কোনো ব্যবস্থা নেওয়া যায়?
Reply by Deep Banerjee on Saturday, 2020-03-28 at 8.30 pm:
Exactly. My reply to her:
This is terrible. Please take this issue forward. That 'sob jaanta' cunning man has to leave your paara forthwith. Even the police station IC must be held responsible.
Tag the PM. Tag the CM. Tag the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
India has changed for the good. They can't go scot free, and please don't get carried away by their apologies.
They will again get back to you because they lost their diabolical game this time.
Expose that man with all his demographic details. That's for your own safety and the safety of the young girl and her family.
Mamata Banerjee in Posta wholesale market in Kolkata during lockdown against CoronaVirus on 2020-03-26 afternoon
Mamata Banerjee along with Anuj Kumar (Kolkata Police commissioner) visited Posta wholesale market in Central Kolkata during lockdown against CoronaVirus on 2020-03-26 afternoon.
ICs of Police Stations from wherever there were reports of high handedness and brutality against genuine shoppers, were heard being reprimanded.
It was an honest and appreciable effort to ensure that supplies of essential commodities are maintained at the retail level across Kolkata and elsewhere.
* How India Travels
TMC councillor from Asansol asked Muslim community members to flout lockdown against CoronaVirus
Akhtar Hussain, the TMC Councillor in Asansol, West Bengal blatantly appealed to his fellow Muslim community members to gather, flouting the nationwide call for lockdown for 21 days w.e.f 2020-03-25 to curb the spread of CoronaVirus/ Covid19.
His act which was captured in video happened within the first two days of the 'Lockdown Against Coronavirus' has possibly jeopardized the lives of thousands of people.
Why didn't West Bengal Police thrash him black and blue?
Doesn't this Muslim councillor's boss who is the proprietress of the political party he represents know about his detestable behavior?
Why doesn't SHE go ahead and earn a few brownie points by sacking and ordering some harsh actions against this illiterate guy who represents her major chunk of her vote bank?
* Education Matters
* Pedigree Matters
* How India Travels
* Keep Strong Stay Happy
Friday, March 27, 2020
Allah stood with prasadam in hand outside mosques in Gokak, Karnataka to teach social distancing to devotees
The illiterate devotees in two mosques in Gokak town of Karnataka for whom Social Distancing during these grim times in March 2020 is 'bakwaas' got their spicy 'prasadam' from Allah who waited for them with well oiled canes outside the doors.
Karnataka government under BJP rule did a fantastic job on Thursday, 2020-03-26 by showing no leniency towards Hindus or Muslims or anyone when it came to demonstrating how people should be taught the diktats of the Prime Minister to curb the spread of CoronaVirus/ Covid19.
The PM clamped a nationwide 21 days total lockdown w.e.f Wednesday, 2020-03-25. Essential supplies and services are however, made available to every citizen without any exceptions.
The government order clearly said that all social functions and religious congregations would be banned.
* How India Travels
Bangladeshis will rush to India once CoronaVirus hits them hard
Seal the Indo - Bangladesh border totally so that even a mosquito doesn't get a chance to fly into India.
Once #Coronavirus/ #Covid19 strikes Bangladesh known for its pathetically poor infrastructure, hoardes of Bangladeshis will try to enter into India.
India has enough problems. We don't want any more.
Mamata can only have her name and face printed everywhere irrespective of the situation for personal branding
Politics during 'lockdown' in West Bengal to curb the spread of CoronaVirus?
Sssshhh ..... SHE never does it.
According to her, it's only others who do politics in everything.
It's only SHE who has the exclusive rights to earn brownie points even during such adverse months.
It's only a Bengal's Pride (Banglar Gorbo) who has her name and face printed everywhere and leaves no stones unturned for personal branding.
* Politics Everywhere
* How India Travels
Police brutality and excesses on 2020-03-25, Day 1 of lockdown in Gajole Police Station area of Malda district in West Bengal
Somewhere within the jurisdiction of Gajole Police Station in Malda district of North Bengal people were beaten up ruthlessly.
Misuse of power and police excesses by West Bengal Police on 2020-03-25 morning, the Day 1 of 'lockdown' to prevent spread of Coronavirus/ Covid19 was visible throughout the state.
West Bengal government needs to spell out in no uncertain terms how people can get their daily supplies of vegetables, milk and ration without crowding.
Use of brutal force by Police officials/ Civic Volunteers and the absence of essential supply guidelines will lead to a propensity to hoarde whatever is available.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi surely did not want such irresponsible behavior by the police force.
West Bengal government needs to spell out in no uncertain terms how people can get their daily supplies of vegetables, milk and ration without crowding.
Use of brutal force by Police officials/ Civic Volunteers and the absence of essential supply guidelines will lead to a propensity to hoarde whatever is available.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi surely did not want such irresponsible behavior by the police force.
* Indian Roadie News
* How India Travels
* Indian Roadie News
* How India Travels
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Blatant misuse of power by West Bengal Police on an innocent vegetable seller on Day 1 of lockdown on 2020-03-25
What was the fault of the innocent vegetable seller who had opened shop to sell his products for the benefit of citizens somewhere in West Bengal and also to earn some money for his own livelihood?
Scenes of police excesses or rather blatant misuse of power in West Bengal on Wednesday, 2020-03-25, the Day 1 of the 21 days 'lockdown' period to curb the spread of Coronavirus/ Covid19/ Covid2019.
The family of the police force are surely getting their own supplies through coercion.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing the nation on 2020-03-24 at 8pm surely did not want such irresponsible behavior by the police force.
* How India Travels
Narendra Modi announced a nationwide 21 days lockdown wef 2020-03-25 on 2020-03-24 at 8pm to curb Coronavirus
Let's follow every word our visionary Prime Minister Narendra Modi said during a live telecast on Tuesday, 2020-03-24 at 8pm to curb Coronavirus (Covid19).
A nationwide 21 days lockdown announced w.e.f 2020-03-25 to curb the spread of Coronavirus (Covid 2019).
* How India Travels
* Keep Strong Stay Happy
How did the West Bengal police have the audacity to throw off the shopping bag of an innocent citizen on 2020-03-25 on the first day of lockdown against Coronavirus
Why and how could the ill trained cop throw away the shopping bag of the common citizen on the road somewhere in West Bengal?
On the very first day of the 21 days 'lockdown' period w.e.f Wednesday, 2020-03-25 to check the spread of Coronavirus, the insensitivity and high handedness of West Bengal Police was just too crude.
Such behavior can lead to serious law and order issues in the coming days if the police don't mend themselves.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing the nation on 2020-03-24 at 8pm surely did not want such irresponsible behavior and enforcement methodologies by the police force.
Mamata Banerjee on 2020-03-25 acknowledged the high handedness and insensitivity of the police across West Bengal
The police throughout West Bengal had crossed the level of humanity on Wednesday, 2020-03-25, which was the first day of the 21 days #lockdown period to check the spread of #Coronavirus.
Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has rightly admitted to the police excesses during a press briefing on Wednesday.
The high handedness and insensitivity of the police can lead to serious law and order issues.
Video courtesy: Aaj Bikel dated 2020-03-25.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Italians also banged plates on 2020-03-13 to express gratitude towards emergency workers during Coronavirus pandemic
Asking the 'Know It All' stupid Indian fiberandus who are avid Modi Haters if the Italians too banged their plates to instantly dump Coronavirus (Covid19) on Friday, 2020-03-13.
Right thinking citizens of various countries including India, Italy and many others are #DeshBhakts. They did it to convey their gratitude to people who just can't stay back at home to keep us safe even during the Coronavirus (Covid19) killer pandemic which has been wreaking havoc throughout the world.
Requesting all such people to please stop proving that you'll are Qualified Uneducated.
Flush down your rotten 'soch'/ thoughts.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Curfew imposed throughout Himachal Pradesh w.e.f 2020-03-24 evening
Curfew has been imposed in Himachal Pradesh from Tuesday, 2020-03-24 evening after people did not adhere to the lockdown in view of the CoronaVirus (Covid19) threat.
Earlier, it was clamped in Kangra and Una districts in the afternoon.
First, it was imposed in Covid-hit Kangra; later, Una was also added to the list to stem the spread of the virus.
Earlier, Kangra district was under lockdown since two persons had tested positive for coronavirus on March 21.
On Monday, a 69-year-old Tibetan who had returned from the US and tested positive for coronavirus died at Tanda medical college. After that the administration sealed McLeodganj and nobody was allowed in and out of the hill station.
On Tuesday afternoon curfew was imposed in the entire district. Now nobody would be allowed to move out of homes.
The shops for essential commodities would open only for limited notified time and people would be allowed to buy provisions in notified timing only. Kangra is the only district of Himachal where three people have tested positive for coronavirus.
It also recorded the first death due to coronavirus.
The DC said curfew was being imposed as people were not adhering to the lockdown. Now any vehicle or person roaming around without any reason would be booked and arrested. With PTI
Source: The Tribune dated 2020-03-24.
* Indian Roadie News
* How India Travels
* Keep Strong Stay Happy
Earlier, it was clamped in Kangra and Una districts in the afternoon.
First, it was imposed in Covid-hit Kangra; later, Una was also added to the list to stem the spread of the virus.
Earlier, Kangra district was under lockdown since two persons had tested positive for coronavirus on March 21.
On Monday, a 69-year-old Tibetan who had returned from the US and tested positive for coronavirus died at Tanda medical college. After that the administration sealed McLeodganj and nobody was allowed in and out of the hill station.
On Tuesday afternoon curfew was imposed in the entire district. Now nobody would be allowed to move out of homes.
The shops for essential commodities would open only for limited notified time and people would be allowed to buy provisions in notified timing only. Kangra is the only district of Himachal where three people have tested positive for coronavirus.
It also recorded the first death due to coronavirus.
The DC said curfew was being imposed as people were not adhering to the lockdown. Now any vehicle or person roaming around without any reason would be booked and arrested. With PTI
Source: The Tribune dated 2020-03-24.
* Indian Roadie News
* How India Travels
* Keep Strong Stay Happy
Urchin on the road clapped on 2020-03-22 to cheer those who are working for us during the days of CoronaVirus
Even the urchin on the road somewhere in India who has no material possession and is already socially distanced because of his social standing clapped in seclusion standing on the road at 5pm on 2020-03-22. Meanwhile qualified uneducated #fiberandus are still ridiculing the PM for his noble idea to cheer all those in healthcare, police, fire, truckers, can drivers, ambulance drivers, etc who are working relentlessly to keep the rest of India's populace safe during these grim times CoronaVirus (Covid19), the pandemic sweeping the world.
* How India Travels
* Keep Strong Stay Happy
Monday, March 23, 2020
What the asses did from 5pm on 2020-03-22 instead of simple taali or thali bajana
Forget Modiji. Even if God made a physical omnipresence across India, he could have done little to ensure that good senses prevail in Indians.
For some contentless stupids with nil ability to comprehend anything that's communicated to them, Janta Curfew was perceived to be a paid holiday pan-India.
How do we explain to these asses that the fear of CoronaVirus (Covid19) is real and is just lurking next to them.
A major chunk of efforts to achieve total Social Distancing flew out of the window post 5pm on Sunday, 2020-03-22.
* How India Travels
* Keep Strong Stay Happy
For some contentless stupids with nil ability to comprehend anything that's communicated to them, Janta Curfew was perceived to be a paid holiday pan-India.
How do we explain to these asses that the fear of CoronaVirus (Covid19) is real and is just lurking next to them.
A major chunk of efforts to achieve total Social Distancing flew out of the window post 5pm on Sunday, 2020-03-22.
* How India Travels
* Keep Strong Stay Happy
Indian Railways blew horn at 5pm on 2020-03-22 during Janta Curfew
The #QualifiedUneducated #fiberandu #Hinduphobic #ModiHaters will never understand the positive vibes that the exercise involving blowing of horns by trains across India during #JantaCurfew at 5pm on Sunday, 2020-03-22 sent out. Most railway workers can't afford the luxury of working from home.
P.S: Exceptions and a propensity to act stupid and going overboard will always exist in a diverse country like India. The policymakers will very soon have carrot and stick strategies to straighten idiots who don't understand issues in simple terms.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
A small gesture on 2020-03-22 by me to send out positive vibes and express gratitude to all who are relentlessly working to keep us safe and comfortable during the outbreak of CoronaVirus (Covid-19)
I, Deep Banerjee based out of Kolkata, India thought it prudent to follow my country's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi who had requested us to encourage those who are relentlessly working to keep us safe from CoronaVirus (Covid19) by banging on a steel thali standing on the veranda/ balcony of my house on Sunday, 2020-03-22 for 5 mins starting from 5pm.
It was heartening to note that once I started it, numerous other households in my locality started doing the same as a chain reaction.
Social Distancing is the need of the grim times the world is going through.
We in India shall overcome all the adversities. A few days or weeks of confinement and disruption will only make us more resilient.
Proud to be an Indian. Proud to be a 'bhakt' of the nation.
* How India Travels
* Keep Strong Stay Happy
* Indian Roadie
* Education And Career Pundit
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
World leaders want to work with PM Modi to fight Coronavirus jointly
After successful organization of SAARC Meet against Coronavirus, in less than 48 hours thereafter, many global leaders have called on India to fight jointly against the disease.
World leaders are going fida over the giant strides India has made under the able leadership of PM Modi.
However, there are leftist #ModiHaters, the retards, the #fiberandus (fake + liberal + gandus), the pissful community apologists who can't stop acting as the #EnemiesWithin 😡😡😡
Inflammatory speeches by the anti-CAA lobby wef mid December 2019
While Congress now claims they 'never said CAA would take away anyone's citizenship', here's a sombre reminder of all the inflammatory speeches by the anti-CAA lobby.
Content courtesy: NationWithNaMo
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Stone pelter captured and forced to utter Bharat Maata ki Jai
The army officer will teach the stone pelter to henceforth scream 'Bharat maata ki jai' and 'Pakistan muradabad'. The officer is being too kind with the rogue.
A young Pakistani spells out why Muslims are branded as terrorists worldwide
This Pakistani guy is a rare breed. He has understood that India will not go back on CAB (now, CAA). He is clearly heard saying that it's because of how the the Muslims behave, the whole world (and not only India) has started branding Muslims as terrorists.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
The appeased rogues are crossing every limit of decency. Bag full of urine hurled at passing train in Kolkata in March 2020
The appeased rogues are crossing every limit of decency. The cops should not buckle to political pressures and teach the pigs a lesson on how to live in a civilized society.
This is further to the incident where a bag full of urine hurled at a passing local train in the heart of Kolkata drenched a lady journalist in March 9, 2020.
Let's read your reaction. Just condemning the act is not enough. It could have been you or any of your dear ones who could have been the victim.
Let's read your reaction. Just condemning the act is not enough. It could have been you or any of your dear ones who could have been the victim.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Yogi Adityanath's 'name and shame' initiative
Ishant Pratap Singh Sengar's introduction of the criminals involved in anti-CAA violence in UP is hilarious. He is seen talking about people who feature in UP CM Yogi Adityanath's 'name and shame' initiative.
Sengar should also go about introducing all the fiberandu (fake + liberal + gandu) apologists of the 'peaceful' mayhem creators.
* Yogi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Lady journalist Adity Dey narrates how she was drenched by the urine thrown at the train in a plastic bag near Park Circus station on 2020-03-09 evening
Lady journalist Adity Arun Dey narrates the harrowing incident wherein a bag full of urine and a stone was hurled on the Sealdah to Diamond Harbour bound train near Park Circus railway station a little before 8pm on Monday, 2020-03-09.
Her face and dress was drenched in urine. However, the stone narrowly missed her.
"The future of India is in the safe hands of Narendra Modi", Jyotiraditya Scindia
"The future of India is in the safe hands of Narendra Modi", Jyotiraditya Scindia at a press meet after joining BJP on Wednesday, 2020-03-11.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Journalist Adity Dey got drenched with bag full of urine hurled at train in Kolkata on 2020-03-09 evening
Working journalist Adity Arun Dey was on the 7.45pm Sealdah - Diamond Harbour local train in Kolkata on Monday, 2020-03-09.
Somewhere near Park Circus railway station a plastic bag full of urine and a stone was hurled at the running train from outside.
The lady escaped a direct hit by the stone but was splashed with the urine.
These antisocial activities by a particular community have become a regular affair because of political patronage received by the ruling party in the state.
The railway police should crack down heavily on the perpetrators of such activities.
The criminals deserve the #stick.
এই মুহূর্তে অফিস থেকে ফেরার পথে 7:45এর শিয়ালদহ থেকে ডায়মন্ডহারবারগামী লোকাল ট্রেনে সফর করছি।। হঠাৎই পার্কসার্কাস থেকে ট্রেন ছাড়ার মুহূর্তেই হটাৎ একদল লোক চলন্ত ট্রেনের দিকে লক্ষ করে জানলা দিয়ে মূত্র ছোড়ে এবং ঢিল ছুঁড়ে দেয়।। সেই ছোড়া মূত্রে আমি হাঁফ ভিজে গেছি এবং আর একটুর জন্যে ছোড়া ঢিল এর হাত থেকে বেঁচে গেছি।।
প্রত্যেক দিন এই ঘটনাটি চলছে, সন্ধের পর থেকেই ট্রেনকে লক্ষ এইভাবে ইট,পাথর নোংরা ভর্তি প্লাস্টিক ছোড়া হয়।।
এইভাবে যে প্রত্যেক দিন ঢিল,ইট,পাথর , নোংরা ভর্তি প্লাস্টিক, মূত্র ছোড়া হচ্ছে অন্য দিন যদি "এসিড" ছোড়া হয় তার দায়িত্ব কে নেবে।।
রেল পুলিশ এর তরফ থেকে পারলে প্লিজ কোনো স্টেপ নিন।।
নিত্যদিন এইভাবে ইট,পাথর অথবা নোংরা ভর্তি প্লাস্টিক ছোড়া হয় এবং এর কোনো প্রতিকার হচ্ছে না।।
(The Bengali version of the shameful incident was posted by the victim on her own Facebook wall on 2020-03-09 at 8.06pm, immediately after the incident)
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Who's the CJ of Allahabad High Court
Who's the CJ of Allahabad High Court who has ordered the removal of banners depicting the photos, names and addresses of the anti-CAA rioters in UP?
He is a known leftist.
The rot has gone deep into the nation's judiciary system 😠
CM Yogi had done the right thing by naming and shaming filthy rioters.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Solo ride from Goa to Spiti Valley and back in 9 days by Satyapratap Rane
Solo ride in 2012 model Hero Impulse by Satyapratap Rane from Goa to Spiti Valley and back in 9 days.
Day 1 - Panjim to Shirdi
(590 kms approx)
Day 2 - Shirdi to Delhi (2am)
via. Gwalior, Agra, Mathura
(1270 kms approx)
Day 3 - Delhi to Shimla
via. Meerut, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Dehradun
(500 kms approx)
Day 3 - Shimla to Jeori
(150 kms)
Day 4 - Jeori to Spillow
via. Sarahan, Chitkul
(200 kms)
Day 5 - Spillow to Kaza
via. Kibber, Chicham
(200 kms)
Day 6 - Kaza to Nako
via. Hikkim, Langza
(160 kms)
Day 7 - Nako to Chandigarh
(420 kms)
Day 8 and 9 - Chandigarh (5.30am) to Panjim (5.30pm)
via. Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Thane, Pune
(2100 kms)
Total: 5871 kms exact as per odometer reading.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Students of Sri Chaitanya Science College, Habra celebrating Saraswati Puja 2020 with parody of Rabindra Sangeet
Culture, education and modesty has gone down the putrid Tolly's Nullah via Kalighat in Kolkata during the misrule of TMC government in West Bengal since 2011.
Jai Chandi Mata 😡
Scores of students of Sri Chaitanya Science College in Habra were videographed going berserk to the cuss parody of a popular Rabindrasangeet.
That's how students wanted to show that they are so cool while celebrating Saraswati Puja on 2020-01-29.
Little wonders that the program was organized by Trinamool Chhatra Parishad because its State Secretary is an ex-student and present employee of the same college.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Musa Sherif completed navigating in 290 national and international rallying events upto SJOBA Rally in end February 2020
Musa Sherif, the navigator, the man who has been in the co-driver’s seat in 290 rallies, including the just concluded SJOBA Rally in end February 2020.
A native of Kasargod in Kerala, Musa mSherif got hooked to rallying in 1993 when he competed in the Mandovi rally organised by Karavali Auto Sports Club at Mangalore.
Read on ......
SJOBA Rally will be the 290th in the career of navigator Musa Sherif.
As the rally drivers competing in the 33rd edition of SJOBA Rally started their cars for a round in the parking of St John’s School, co-driver and navigator Musa Sherif, 48, was busy observing the trendy vehicles with an eye on the route navigation notebook. A participant in 289 rallies and co-winner of 19 rallies in India and abroad, Sherif is one of the most experienced navigators in Asia and will be plotting the route for last year’s winner Samrat Yadav in the 290th rally of his 28-year-long career.
Dwelling on the ingredients of a good partnership at the wheels, he said, “Trust and confidence in each other are the two things which are required between the driver and the navigator for any rally. The driver completely trusts the navigator and has blind confidence in his call. Yes, the limelight is always on the driver but the navigator too stands on the podium and that’s what keeps me going.”
A native of Kasargod in Kerala, Sherif got hooked to rallying in 1993 when he competed in the Mandovi rally organised by Karavali Auto Sports Club at Mangalore. Two years on, he was signed by Team MRF and navigated for Satish Bhat till 1997 before he joined Team JK Tyre for three years. Sherif would then don the Team MRF colours from 2001 to 2012 before moving to Mahindra Adventure team a year later.
The last 28 years have seen Sherif navigate for 47 different rallyists in India and Asia. It has been a fruitful ride with Sherif pocketing six Indian National Rally Championship (INRC) titles with Gaurav Gill and one INRC title with Zuhin. Internationally, he bagged four big titles — Asia Cross Country with Lohit Urs, Malaysian Rally Group N with Arjun Rao, Malaysian Rally Championship with Sanjay Takle, and UAE Rally Championship with Saneem.
Having been the co-driver to 47 different rallyists, Sherif has also adjusted to different call signs of different drivers. “Like every different car, every driver is different and the navigator’s first task is to understand his style of driving. I competed in 35 international rallies with Sanjay Takle and his style of driving was way different from Gaurav Gill, with whom I have won six NRC titles. For some drivers, there are 10-12 call signs for corners while for Gill, there are 18 signs for corners. We have made our short-cuts too in terms of call signs and 1 right is the slowest corner and 6 right is the fastest corner. We have to tell the driver things like entering the corner late or early or left or right studying the notes with the car shaking at more than 150 kmph” Sherif laughs.
Sherif has seen several highs and lows. Last year, he and his driver Gaurav Gill were involved in an untoward incident in the Jodhpur rally when three persons, who had accidentally made their way into the rally route, died after Gill’s car crashed into them during the first leg. While Gill was initially booked under IPC 304A, Rajasthan Police dropped the charge of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, and Gill was granted bail. “It was an unfortunate incident that took place because the organisers did not follow the rules. The rally drivers follow the route and since we were the first car to go, our aim was to build a lead and unfortunately, the incident happened on the rally route. It took us several days to get over the trauma,” shares Sherif.
This ace navigator has seen several changes in the rallying over the years. “Over the years, cars have become more powerful; there has been tremendous technical advancement and I have to remain updated at all times. Competing in Malaysia, he says, was a big challenge because of its terrain. “In UAE, I was co-driving with Saneem when our car toppled at one stage, but we won the title. I also rate 2018 title in NRC as the most satisfying win of my career,” beams Sherif, whose favourite rallying car is Subaru Impreza.
Sherif also finds the SJOBA rally challenging with its course running through both plains and the Shivalik hills in Punjab. “The terrain is completely different from other rallies in the country. Some stages are very tricky with river beds and slushy conditions.”
Sherif has one advice for aspiring navigators. “Spend time with experienced navigators and see videos of rallies. Also go through the route multiple times to understand the task of a navigator. Last but not the least, make it a habit to check the safety equipment even during practice.’’
Content courtesy: Nitin Sharma, Chandigarh.
Published in Indian Express dated February 28, 2020.
Bengal's legend in March 2019 to Banglar Gorbo in March 2020
Early March is the time to travel around in Kolkata to spot some epic billboards.
March 2019: The epic billboard elevating/ equating a living someone to a 'Bengali Legend' with some 13 other lesser mortals was 100% for real and was spotted near Institute of Engineering and Management (IEM), Sector V, Kolkata on 2019-03-06 and was there even at 10am on Thursday 2019-03-07.
March 2020: Scores of huge billboards across the city with a 'Banglar Gorbo' (Bengal's pride) giggling at passerby greeted Kolkatans at vantage points w.e.f 2020-03-02.
* How India Travels
* Bengal Doomed
* Bengalis Shamed
* Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind
Friday, March 6, 2020
Tahir Hussain arranged for Sulphuric Acid packets to be thrown on Hindus during Delhi riots in February 2020
Tahir Hussain, a close aide of Arvind Kejriwal is indeed a 'peaceful' strategist. His love for Hindus is so high that he wanted his peaceful 'chelas' to bathe innocent Hindus on the road from his rooftop with Sulphuric Acid.
Why didn't he show some love to all his fiberal Hindu 'bhais' first and play real Holi with them in advance using the same packets of sulphuric acid?
* DelhiRiotsFebruary2020
* How India Travels
Mulim women were thrashed by Muslim goons to attend anti-CAA rallies in Delhi
The 'pissful' rascals in Delhi wanted people to believe that their womenfolk protested at Shaheen Bagh against CAA voluntarily.
The reality is that the idiots battered the women to tow their line.
Hypocrisy revolving around secularism
The hypocrisy revolving around secularism busted in 2 mins 39 secs.
Mamata says Corona virus was spread by Modi government using TV
Mamata gem: Modi govt created coronavirus with help of TV.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said this at a meeting with TMC workers in Kolkata on 2020-03-02, alleging this was a ploy to divert attention from the Delhi riots 😡
While the arrival of coronavirus in India has made Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah and BJP President JP Nadda decide not to attend the Holi meet this year, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has come up with a grand conspiracy theory that all this is meant to divert attention from the Delhi riots. The Modi government has created the coronavirus, she said!
“Today some people are shouting corona, corona [coronavirus] a bit too much. Yes, it is a dreaded disease, but don’t create panic. Some channels are hyping it to suppress the Delhi incident do report when it occurs we don’t want it to spread but do remember all those who died in Delhi, did not die of coronavirus,” the chief minister said in her speech.
Mamata Banerjee said this while addressing activists in Kolkata. The chief minister said, “No one knows how many people died in the Delhi riots. In order to divert the attention of the people, they (central government) are raising the coronavirus issue with the help of TV channels. Their motive is that people do not ask how many people have actually died.”
The chief minister said, “Even if a rat dies in Bengal, these people (BJP people) demand a CBI inquiry. At the same time, there was no judicial inquiry into how many people were killed in Delhi. I demand a judicial inquiry by the judges of the Supreme Court.”
Mamata Banerjee claimed that more than 700 people were still missing after the Delhi violence. “The situation is not good in Delhi. Many became homeless. Zombies are coming out of the drains,” she exclaimed.
Describing the Delhi riot as a pogrom, Mamata Banerjee asked the Trinamool Congress activists to propagate it as “genocide, not violence”.
The West Bengal chief minister seems to be in a rapid-fire round of bloopers. yesterday, she had claimed that Bangladeshi infiltrators who had been voting in India (undetected as Bangladeshis) were now citizens of this country.
Content courtesy: Sirf News Network dated 4 March 2020.
* How India Travels
* Bengal Doomed
* Bengalis Shamed
* diabolical intentions
* MaMaMa
Monday, March 2, 2020
Beware of the snakes in India
Who are these deadly and 'gaddar' 'snakes' that Donald Trump is figuratively referring to in the Indian context.
One doesn't need to be trained in rocket science to figure that out.
However, the biriyani loving Hindu 'fiberandus' who can't tolerate truth will start burning again.
* How India Travels
One doesn't need to be trained in rocket science to figure that out.
However, the biriyani loving Hindu 'fiberandus' who can't tolerate truth will start burning again.
* How India Travels
Sunday, March 1, 2020
'The lie manufacturing Lutyens and Western media' by Ayan Choudhury
The lie manufacturing Lutyens and Western media...
Wall Street Journal reported fake news that Ankit Sharma was killed by Hindus, who were chanting Jai Sri Ram. Ankit Sharma’s family and neighbours confirmed that he was dragged to Aap MLA Tahir Hussains house, brutally murdered and dumped into a drain.
Ravish Kumar of NDTV tried to cook up a narrative that the gun wielding rioter, who was identified as Mohammad Shahrukh, could be Anurag Misra.
BBC and Jihadi journalist Rana Ayub spread a two year old video of a mosque getting damaged, saying it was done during Delhi riots in February 2020.
Lashkar planned to turn Ajmal Kasab into Samir Chaudhari and Congressi media started a campaign on Hindu Terrorists.
Content courtesy: Ayan Choudhury
* How India Travels
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