Sunday, March 1, 2020

'The lie manufacturing Lutyens and Western media' by Ayan Choudhury

The lie manufacturing Lutyens and Western media...

Wall Street Journal reported fake news that Ankit Sharma was killed by Hindus, who were chanting Jai Sri Ram.  Ankit Sharma’s family and neighbours confirmed that he was dragged to Aap MLA Tahir Hussains house, brutally murdered and dumped into a drain.

Ravish Kumar of NDTV tried to cook up a narrative that the gun wielding rioter, who was identified as Mohammad Shahrukh, could be Anurag Misra.  

BBC and Jihadi journalist Rana Ayub spread a two year old video of a mosque getting damaged, saying it was done during Delhi riots in February 2020. 

Lashkar planned to turn Ajmal Kasab into Samir Chaudhari and Congressi media started a campaign on Hindu Terrorists. 

Content courtesy: Ayan Choudhury 
* How India Travels

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