Friday, March 27, 2020

Allah stood with prasadam in hand outside mosques in Gokak, Karnataka to teach social distancing to devotees

The illiterate devotees in two mosques in Gokak town of Karnataka for whom Social Distancing during these grim times in March 2020 is 'bakwaas' got their spicy 'prasadam' from Allah who waited for them with well oiled canes outside the doors.

Karnataka government under BJP rule did a fantastic job on Thursday, 2020-03-26 by showing no leniency towards Hindus or Muslims or anyone when it came to demonstrating  how people should be taught the diktats of the Prime Minister to curb the spread of CoronaVirus/ Covid19.

The PM clamped a nationwide 21 days total lockdown w.e.f Wednesday, 2020-03-25. Essential supplies and services are however, made available to every citizen without any exceptions.

The government order clearly said that all social functions and religious congregations would be banned.
* How India Travels

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