Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sadguru talks on CAA and NRC

Sadguru talks straight on Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and NRC.
* How India Travels

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Nepal bans cars with Indian registration plates from plying in Pokhara - Indian Roadie News

Bad news for Indian tourists! Nepal bans vehicles with Indian number plates from plying in Pokhara.
Nepal has banned vehicles with Indian number plates from plying in the tourist hub of Pokhara ahead of the new year, a move that has sparked an uproar among tourism entrepreneurs. Nepal aims to attract two million tourists, mostly Indians, by 2020 and Pokhara is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the country on Christmas and the new year. The decision to ban Indian vehicles was taken by Pokhara Tourism Council in consultation with the district administration of Kaski to ease traffic congestion during celebrations, officials said. Former chairperson of Western Regional Hotel Association Hari Gaire described the decision taken ahead of the new year year as "fatal".
"Besides Indian vehicles, vehicles from other countries may also enter here, so what do we really want to suggest by singling out Indian vehicles them?" he asked. Chief district administrator Ramesh K C said the ban will be lifted once the traffic police are ready to manage the congestion resulting from the influx of foreign vehicles.
The administration has requested Indian visitors to cooperate with the temporary provision and urged them to use local vehicles. Pokhara Tourism Council Chairperson Chiranjivi Pokharel defended the decision citing the positive effects it would have on the local business of travel agencies, entrepreneurs and cabbies.
"Only public vehicles have been banned, not private ones," he said. "Indian vehicles don't know the parking system and routes here, and will naturally cause traffic problem," he added. Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) has chalked out an ambitious plan seeking to increase the number of Indian tourists visiting the Himalayan country by up to 25 per cent in 2019.
In 2018, around 2,00,000 tourists from India visited Nepal by air. Nepal does not have a system to count the number of tourists coming by road from India. NTB launched 'Visit Nepal Year 2020' campaign in June to achieve two million arrivals from across the world by 2020 and a daily spend of over USD 75.
(Source: Financial Express dated 2019-12-28)
* Indian Roadie News

Mamata Banerjee ‘butchering’ democracy in Bengal, won’t share dais with her: Sitaram Yechury

Mamata Banerjee ‘butchering’ democracy in Bengal, won’t share dais with her: Sitaram Yechury.

CPI(M) would not share dais with West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee though she was also fighting against CAA, NRC and NPR because she had been 'butchering' democracy in the state, party General Secretary Sitaram Yechury said on Friday. Talking to reporters here, he alleged the CPI(M) lost more than 278 of its comrades while thousands had been framed with false charges and issued non-bailable warrants in Bengal.
While the TMC won 22 of the 42 Lok Sabha seats, the BJP came second bagging 18 seats and the Left front drew a blank in the general elections. Yechury was replying to a question whether the CPI(M) will share dais with the Trinamool Congress chief in the ongoing fight against the Narendra Modi government over Citizenship Amendment Act, National Register of Citizens (NRC) and the National Population Register (NPR).
"Sharing the dais (with Mamata) is not the issue. Because in Bengal, she and her party have been primarily responsible for the butchery of democracy. "In the last Parliament elections, it was the people's anger against Banerjee which gave the BJP the benefit. She continues the murderous attacks (on CPI-M workers)," Yechury alleged. Noting that chief ministers of 13 states have opposed the contentious NRC and two of them (Kerala and West Bengal) have stayed the NPR process in their states, he appealed to the others also to stop the updation of the population register.
"On that issue there is no problem. Coming together in Bengal (with TMC) will have different implications for all the other struggles that are going on," he said in apparent reference to the Left parties' fight against the Mamata Banerjee government. "But on this issue (NPR, NRC) she seems to be on the same side. That is okay, Yechury said. He said it was essential that all the secular forces to come together at this hour and appealed to Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, whose party TRS voted against the CAA, to dissociate with the NPR.
(Source: Financial Express dated 2019-12-27)

Friday, December 27, 2019

Atal Tunnel dedicated to the nation on 2019-12-25

All weather Atal Tunnel was a gift to the nation on the birth anniversary of the visionary Late PM, Atal Behari Vajpayee on Wednesday, 2019-12-25.

The 8.8 kms long Atal Tunnel is the world's longest above an altitude of 3,000 metres.

The tunnel will reduce the distance between Manali and Leh by 46 kilometres.

The historic decision to construct the strategic tunnel below the Rohtang Pass was taken in 2000 when Vajpayee was the Prime Minister.
* Indian Roadie News

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Karnataka may not offer any compensation to families of those killed in riots during December 2019

India should be tough, really tough on the effing rioters and their apologists. India has witnessed mindless violence ever since the Citizenship Amendment Act was passed in mid December 2019. 
Cane them hard literally and figuratively. Break their backbone literally and figuratively. 
Punish their apologists ruthlessly. 
That's the need of the hour as in end December 2019 since some men and women feel that opposing every good move is the in thing. 
* How India Travels

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Burnt rake/ coaches of Hazarduari Express being hauled to a scrapyard somewhere in West Bengal on 2019-12-24

Spotted at Bethudahari station on Tuesday, 2019-12-24 afternoon.

Spotted at Dhubulia station on Tuesday, 2019-12-24 late afternoon.

On whose inspiration (anuprerona) did the 'messengers of peace' do this to Hazarduari Express in Murshidabad in West Bengal in mid-December 2019?
* India Needs NRC
* Bengal Needs NRC
* Citizenship Amendment Act

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Mamata has gone bonkers after CAA, watch her shrieking Ca Ca Chi Chi

She has gone bonkers while protesting against CAA.
She is under the impression that she is the most eligible candidate for PM's chair in India.
However, who on earth wants her to rule India other than the opportunistic retards and the #EnemiesWithin who are singing to her tune.

Central cabinet approves National Population Register on 2019-12-24

National Population Register gets the approval from cabinet on Tuesday, 2019-12-24.
Does any fiberal sickular chu**** need some Burnol again?
They incite some gadhas to do 'tor phor' and sip gin or wine at home. They think that they will call us names and that right thinking people like us are a minority. What those retards will get now for relief is boiling hot mustard oil liberally laced with the hottest chilly paste from North East.
Just a few drops in all the orifices will do wonders for them!

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Myths about CAA, NRC cleared

CAA and NRC explained and myths cleared in easy to understand terms via an animated film created by BJP.
* How India Travels

Who's an Indian citizen?

Who's an Indian citizen?
Muslims are being instigated by groups of cunning and Hinduphobic Hindus and Muslims alike to riot on the streets.
The truth about Citizenship Amendment Act and NRC is being distorted openly by Congress, TMC, AAP and the entire opposition.
Here's the truth in the attached video.
* How India Travels

Monday, December 16, 2019

Old Muslim man in Delhi vandalized a bus on 2019-12-15

Why the f**k did this outdated 'baby production machine' vandalize the bus in Delhi on Sunday, 2019-12-15?
Why doesn't the police just shoot him dead?  😡😡😡
India is Mollah surplus. It's time to export almost the entire stock now.
We will not import even a single more.

Some failed in life fiberals in their late 30s to late 70s will say that he makes effing good biryani, beef fry and kormas. They will also add that I am just being Islamophobic  😡

Protestors in Delhi/ elsewhere are clueless about CAB, CAA, NRC

Watch the pissful retards. Their intellect is a mirror image of pasta rani's overgrown adolescent weed puffing son.
Video from Delhi on 2019-12-15.
Where are the fiberal men and women who call able thinking Hindus Islamophobic?
More than these 'human production factories', idiot apologists of these morons should be taken to task for inciting mayhem in India.
* India Needs NRC
* Who Provided The Inspiration
* How India Travels

Train vandalized at Harishchandrapur station in Malda district of West Bengal on Saturday, 2019-12-14

The loved pissful citizens, aka. Queen's Shanti Vahini, vandalises an Express train full of passengers at Harishchandrapur station in Malda district of West Bengal on Saturday, 2019-12-14.
* Bengal Needs NRC
* Citizen Amendment Bill
* Who provided the inspiration

Citizen Amendment Bill 2019 - FAQ

গুজব ছড়ানো বন্ধ করে  আসুন জেনে নি আসলে বেপার টা কি?

প্রশ্ন ঃ  আসামের নাগরিকরা কি CAB এর  বিরধিতা করছে?
উত্তর ঃ তারা বিরোধিতা করছে  ১৯৭১ এর আগে  যারা অনুপ্রবেশ করেছিলেন তারা অসমের নাগরিক থাকবে। এবং এর ওপর তাদের যে চুক্তি ছিল অসমে তাই রাখতে হবে। তা CAB তে বেরে ২০১৬ করা হলে অসমে সেখানের প্রকৃত বসবাসকারীরাই সংখ্যালঘু উপজাতি হয়ে যাবে |
চাকুরী ও অন্য সুবিধা হইতে  বঞ্চিত হবেন এবং বাংলাদেশী তে যেমন ছেয়ে গেছে তা আরও বারবে।
প্রশ্ন : CAB বিলটি কি ভারতীয় মুসলিমদের নাগরিকত্ব কেড়ে নেবে?

উত্তর: না,এটি নাগরিকত্ব দেওয়ার বিল। নাগরিকত্ব কেড়ে নেওয়ার বিল নয়।

প্রশ্ন : CAB বিলটি তাহলে কাদের জন্য ? ভারতে যারা বসবাস করে তাদের জন্য নয়?

উত্তর: না, এই বিলটি ভারতীয়দের জন্য নয়। পাকিস্তান, বাংলাদেশ বা আফগানিস্তান এই তিনটি বর্ডার শেয়ারিং দেশে "ধর্মীয় কারণে অত্যাচারিত" কোনো সংখ্যালঘু(ওখানে সংখ্যালঘু মানেই হিন্দু,খ্রিস্টান, শিখ,বৌদ্ধ,পার্সী,জৈন) যারা, ক্যাবের সুযোগ নিয়ে ভারতে থাকতে পারবে।

প্রশ্ন : তার মানে "ধর্মীয় কারণে অত্যাচারিতরা" ভারতে এলে সঙ্গে সঙ্গে ভারতের নাগরিক হয়ে যাবে?

উত্তর: না না, 6 বছর ভারতে থাকার পর তবেই ওরা ভারতীয় নাগরিকত্ব পাবে।

প্রশ্ন : আচ্ছা, পৃথিবীর সব হিন্দু,খ্রিস্টান, শিখ,বৌদ্ধ,পার্সী,জৈন তাহলে ভারতের নাগরিকত্ব পাবে ?

উত্তর: না না, শুধু ওই তিন দেশের "ধর্মীয় কারণে অত্যাচারিত" হিন্দু,খ্রিস্টান, শিখ,বৌদ্ধ,পার্সী,জৈন 6 বছর থেকে নাগরিকত্ব পাবে। বাকি দেশের লোকদের 11 বছর থাকার পর নাগরিকত্ব পাবে।

প্রশ্ন : ওই তিন দেশের মুসলিম নাগরিকরা তাহলে ভারতের নাগরিকত্ব পাবে না?

উত্তর: হ্যাঁ, মুসলিমরাও পাবে। ওই মুসলিমদের 11 বছর ভারতে থেকে তবেই নাগরিকত্ব পাবে। এমনিতেই 2014-2019 এর মধ্যে ওই তিন দেশের 566 জন মুসলিমকে ভারত সরকার নাগরিকত্ব দিয়েছে।

প্রশ্ন: আমাদের দেশ তো "ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ দেশ" তাহলে ওই ওই তিন দেশের মুসলিমরা কেন 11 বছর থাকার পর নাগরিকত্ব পাবে ?

উত্তর: সব হিন্দু,খ্রিস্টান, শিখ,বৌদ্ধ,পার্সী,জৈনকে তো নাগরিকত্ব দেবে না। যারা "ধর্মীয় কারণে অত্যাচারিত"হবে তারা 6 বছরে ভারতের নাগরিকত্ব পাবে। আর ওই তিনটি দেশের রাষ্ট্র ধর্ম হলো ইসলাম। তাহলে একটি মুসলিম দেশে একজন মুসলিমকি "ধর্মীয় কারণে অত্যাচারিত" হবে ??
আর রইল বাকি ধর্ম নিরপেক্ষতার কথা। ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতার সংজ্ঞা কি শুধুই মুসলিম থাকলে হয় ? খ্রিস্টান, শিখ,বৌদ্ধ,পার্সী,জৈন  ধর্মও তো এই বিলেন আওতায়। এর পরেও বলবে এই বিল ধর্ম নিরপেক্ষ নয় ??

প্রশ্ন : আচ্ছা যারা 2014 র আগে থেকে যারা "ধর্মীয় কারণে অত্যাচারিত" হয়ে বাংলাদেশ থেকে এসে ভারতে বাস করছে তাদের কি আবার তাড়িয়ে দেবে??

উত্তর: না না, এই বিলটিতো স্পেশাল ভাবে ওই নিপীড়িত মানুষদের জন্যই পাশ করা হয়েছে। যাতে তারা এখন নিশ্চিন্তে এই দেশে বসবাস করতে পারে।

প্রশ্ন : তবে অনেকে বলছে ডিটেনশন ক্যাম্পে রেখে দেওয়া হবে। ওটা ভুল ?

উত্তর: হ্যাঁ ওটা ভুল। CAB এর জন্য কাউকে ডিটেনশন ক্যাম্পে রাখা হবে না। আর এই ডিটেনশন ক্যাম্পের তথ্য সম্পূর্ণ ভুয়ো। কিছু রাজনৈতিক দল নিজেদের স্বার্থ চরিতার্থ করার জন্য সাধারণ মানুষকে এই ভয় দেখাচ্ছে। নিশ্চিন্তে থাকুক, কোনো ভারতীয়কে ডিটেনশন ক্যাম্পে রাখা হবে না।

Muslim CAB protestors create mayhem at Park Circus, Kolkata on 2019-12-13 afternoon

Absolute mayhem in Kolkata's Park Circus 7 Point Crossing on Friday, 2019-12-13 afternoon. 
All of Kolkata's CBD came to a standstill. 
It's expected to be worse on Saturday, 2019-12-14 and even worse during the next week with the ruling government in West Bengal tacitly supporting the mayhem. 

Howrah - Chennai Coromandel Express engine stoned at Uluberia by Muslim CAB protestors on 2019-12-13 afternoon

Do you still believe that NRC shouldn't be imposed in West Bengal?
There was total mayhem across various parts of Bengal on 2019-12-13.
The scary video clicked by the driver of Howrah - Chennai Coromandel Express train shows a blood thirsty Muslim mob pelting stones at the engine of the express train and at passing trains on Friday, 2019-12-13 afternoon near Uluberia railway station, about 30 kms from Howrah.

What the Citizen Amendment Bill 2019 says

What the Citizen Amendment Bill 2019 says 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Mindless vandalism of Uluberia railway station by underaged Muslims on 2019-12-13

Mindless vandalism of Uluberia railway station, less than 30 kms from Howrah by underaged Muslims on Friday, 2019-12-13.
The administration is obviously lending a tacit support to such mayhem.
* Citizen Amendment Act/ Bill
* Who provided the inspiration
* Bengal needs NRC

Lalgola Passenger train and Krishnapur railway station set on fire by Muslim mob on 2019-12-14

মুর্শিদাবাদ জেলার লালগোলা কৃষ্ণপুর স্টেশন ও লালগোলা প্যাসেঞ্জার এ আগুন ধরাল জেহাদিরা।

Muslim rogues protesting Citizen Amendment Bill/ Act (CAA/ CAB) set on fire an entire empty rake of Lalgola Passenger train and also the Krishnapur Railway Station in Murshidabad district in West Bengal on Saturday, 2019-12-14 evening.

The CM and the state government has done nothing so far to put a stop to the mayhem unleashed by the community which has been appeased by the Congress and CPI(M) ever since 1947.
* Bengal needs NRC

Hazarduari Express train set on fire in West Bengal on Saturday, 2019-12-14 by Muslim rogues

Hazarduari Express train set on fire in West Bengal on Saturday, 2019-12-14 evening by Muslim rogues protesting Citizen Amendment Act/ Bill (CAA/ CAB).
The CM and state administration doesn't want to put a stop to all the mayhem that's continuing throughout West Bengal since Friday, 2019-12-13.
* Who provided the inspiration

Buses burnt by Muslim CAB/ CAA/ NRC protestors on Kona Expressway on 2019-12-14

Over 15 buses and at least 1 police van burnt down on Saturday, 2019-12-14 morning by blood thirsty rogues on Kona Expressway (NH117), near Lakeland Country Club, across the Hooghly River in Kolkata. Passengers could somehow rush out of the burning buses leaving their belongings behind.
There's total mayhem unleashed across the state by a particular community in West Bengal since Friday, 2019-12-13.
Fire tenders were prevented from reaching the spot to douse the flames. The cops were relegated to remain silent spectators because the rogues of the community enjoy the blessings of the ruling political party in Bengal.
The coming days might see more violence and mayhem by the same community who are being egged on to unleash terror with tacit support by the ruling party in power in the state.
* Citizen Ammendment Bill
* India Needs NRC
* Bengal Needs NRC
* India Needs CAB
* Enemies Within
* Bengal Doomed
* How India Travels
* Who Provided The Inspiration

Express train ransacked in Uluberia station by Muslim NRC/ CAA/ CAB protestors on 2019-12-13

The blood thirsty mob of Muslims in Uluberia, about 30 kms from Howrah, were out in full strength to damage railway property and cause maximum physical harm to innocent humans.
They were ostensibly protesting the Citizens Amendment Bill 2019 although they will not be affected by it.
* Citizen Amendment Bill/ Act
* India Needs NRC
* Bengal Needs NRC
* India Needs CAB
* Enemies Within
* Bengal Doomed
* How India Travels
* Who Provided The Inspiration

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Ambulance stopped and attacked on NH34 in Murshidabad by CAB/ NRC protestors on Friday, 2019-12-13

Mindless, blood thirsty ruffians supposedly protesting the Citizens Amendment Bill 2019 and imposition of NRC in West Bengal were in no mood to spare an ambulance ferrying a critically ill patient on NH34 in Murshidabad, West Bengal on Friday, 2019-12-13.

Cancel your proposed drive, if any, through Bengal.

Everybody is left wondering why Muslims in Bengal are rioting against the new CAB bill. They must be illegal immigrants who have been doled out generous dose of appeasement goodies by political parties over years together in lieu of assured votes.
* Citizen Ammendment Bill
* India Needs NRC
* Bengal Needs NRC
* India Needs CAB
* Enemies Within
* Bengal Doomed
* How India Travels
* Who Provided The Inspiration
* Indian Roadie News

Uluberia railway station ransacked by 'pissful pigisis' on Friday, 2019-12-13 afternoon onwards

Uluberia railway station on Friday, 2019-12-13.

In West Bengal, leaves on trees don't move without the 'inspiration' (anuprerona) of an aspirational Nobel Prize aspirant and a self proclaimed Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind.

Who provided the inspiration to these muslims, viz. 'pissful pigisis' to openly ransack Uluberia  railway station on Friday, 2019-12-13 afternoon onwards?

Why are the effing opportunist 'buddhijibis' meaowing on TV now.

Would love to see the day these 'pigisis' ransack their property and massacre them and their dear ones.

The 'pissful pigisis', their fiberal apologists and the in-vogue Hinduphobic retards should be publicly exposed, shamed, boycotted and harshest of punishment meted out.
* Citizen Ammendment Bill
* India Needs NRC
* Bengal Needs NRC
* India Needs CAB
* Enemies Within
* Bengal Doomed
* How India Travels
* Who Provided The Inspiration

Friday, December 13, 2019

A real story by Nidhi Ganguly about persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh

My dear departed father in law hailed from Chottogram (Chittagong) in Bangladesh. His father was a school master there , the headmaster .

My father in law came to Kolkata just after his matriculation in 1948,  after the direct action day  and  Noakhali. Against the wishes of his family and extended ones, who thought that they were "safe" and the incident was a one off.

He struggled, got himself a job and called his entire family over. By this time , his family knew that his decision was right and their existence would be wiped out if they stayed. They came secretly, via the jungle route at night. Guided by "Muslim dalals" who made money from their plight.One of the horrifying stories about that journey- An infant kept crying as the group moved together in the darkness of the night.After a couple of warnings, the Dalal just plucked the baby from the mothers arms and threw him into the Padma river.

They reached Kolkata and settled there.But the " udbasthu" tag( refugee) remained for a long long time.Even the third generation hears it in an insulting way every now and then.

My FIL's sister , who was married and remained behind, lost her husband and son in riots. One of her daughters was picked up by the "Pakistani" army and she never saw her again. She lost her senses and roamed the streets of  Chittagong begging and searching for her daughter.

My FIL never stopped searching for her.Using all his resources, from Kolkata, he found her in the late 90's. He got her home to us in Kolkata, and she remained with us till her last breath ( 2005, I think). But, she never regained normalcy. Till her last day, she slept with a knife or iron rod underneath her pillow. The stories about the atrocities I heard from her were heart wrenching to say ,at the least.

Yesterday, after the CAB was passed, I saw my husband's eyes glisten with tears, threatening to overflow. Till late at night, he kept telling me stories of what all his grandparents had told him about the horrors they had to face. It was as though a dam had broken and all the pent up feelings came out.

I just wish my Bapai ( I called my FIL that) , his brothers and sister had been alive to see this day.

(Copied from the Facebook wall of Ms. Nidhi Ganguly) 

Monday, December 2, 2019

Fearing outrage, Bihar co-op staff wears helmets while selling onions

Employees of Bihar State Cooperative Marketing Union Limited (Biscomaun) were seen wearing helmets while selling onions at Patna and Ara to protect themselves from possible public outrage on Saturday.

The Biscomaun employees said they took the step as the administration failed to provide police protection to them. “Crowd management was difficult as people stood in long queues to buy onions at Rs 35 per kg,” said a salesman of Biscomaun. The Biscomaun had started selling onions at subsidized rates from November 22 in a bid to provide relief to people from soaring prices. After Patna district administration asked Biscomaun on Wednesday to close its counters in front of the Biscomaun tower citing traffic congestion, the apex cooperative body started selling onions through 10 mobile vans. However, it will stop selling onions in the city from Sunday.

“Only poor people marrying off their daughters will get onions till December 4. They will have to produce wedding card to avail facility,” Biscomaun chairman Sunil Kumar Singh said. He said clashes broke out near Kumhrar and Pataliputra in Patna and at Ara as people jostled to buy onions at Rs 35 per kg. “Though we informed district administration, cops were nowhere to be seen to manage the crowd,” Singh added. He said Jharkhand Mukti Morcha complained to Election Commission about violation of model code of conduct. 

Source: Toi Mumbai dated 2019-12-01

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sumedha Bose of Class 12 committed suicide by jumping into a pond on 2019-11-22

Sumedha Bose, a young girl of Class 12 from a reputed school in south Kolkata took her own life by jumping into a pond on Friday, 2019-11-22 evening. She was unable to tackle the pressure of school studies.

* Where The Child Lives With Fear
* How India Travels
* Education And Career Pundit is an initiative by, the virtual space identity of Deep Banerjee, Independent Brand Marketing Strategist and B-school faculty pan-India.

Self proclaimed intellectuals yet to Tweet about Priyanka Reddy rape and murder

Self proclaimed intellectuals who are always quick to justify their nonsensical blabberings with divisive excerpts from The Wire or the HuffingtonPost invariably miss out on spotting or quoting the actual chilling realities.
* How India Travels
* Priyanka Reddy Rape And Murder 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Within 8 hrs after the odd-even scheme kicked in, Kejriwal predicted that Delhi's pollution has reduced by 25%

Kejriwal is a man with unprecedented foresight.

Don't forget that Arvind Kejriwal is an IIT-Kgp passout. Unfortunately, he has to remind that to all citizens crisscrossing the roads in polluted Delhi.

Kejri is so strong in his analytics and cognitive powers that in less than 8 hours, of the roll out of the odd-even scheme of car numbers on Delhi roads (viz. by 4.00pm on Monday, 2019-11-04), hundreds of flex banners with his photo and claims of a 25% reduction in vehicular pollution was printed and put up at vantage points across the capital.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Madan Mitra spills the beans to Republic TV on 2019-08-01

Madan Mitra, erstwhile TMC Minister in the government spills the beans to Republic TV during a sting operation on 2019-08-01. 

A DOG killed a pig named Baghdadi, the head of ISIS

Well finally a Dog killed a pig named Baghdadi, the head of ISIS.
Allah is indeed a great planner ❤️
Oh doggy, good job. May you be blessed with human body in next life, full of peace happiness, health & wealth for doing a great service to mankind in the interest of peace, harmony &  dharma.
K9 rocks!
Om namah SHIVAY.
# How India Travels
# How World Travels

Monday, October 28, 2019

Purvanchal Expressway - Lucknow to Ghazipur (still under constructionas in October 2019)

The Purvanchal Expressway project is expected to cost Rs 23,000 crore and is likely to be completed in record three years' time.

Purvanchal Expressway in Uttar Pradesh is being touted as India's longest expressway that will connect Lucknow to Ghazipur. Its foundation stone was laid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Azamgarh on 14th July 2018. The six-lane Purvanchal Expressway can be expanded to eight lanes. The Purvanchal Expressway project is expected to cost Rs 23,000 crore and is likely to be completed in record three years' time. An air-strip will be constructed in Sultanpur district to facilitate landing of Indian Air Force aircraft in emergency situation.

5 Facts about Purvanchal Expressway:

 The Purvanchal Expressway, which is 340-km-long, will not just increase connectivity but also give a boost to agriculture, commerce, tourism and industries besides social and economic development in the areas through which it will pass.

The Purvanchal Expressway will connect Lucknow with Barabanki, Amethi, Sultanpur, Faizabad, Ambedkar Nagar, Azamgarh, Mau and Ghazipur.

The Purvanchal Expressway will be linked with the Lucknow-Agra Expressway and Yamuna Expressway which connects Agra to Delhi and will considerably bring down the travel time between Delhi and eastern Uttar Pradesh.

The Purvanchal Expressway will be linked with Varanasi through a separate link.

Uttar Prades Minister Yogi Adityanath has called Purvanchal Expressway to be "the lifeline of development in east Uttar Pradesh"
# Indian Roadie Infrastructure
# infrastructure

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Courage to laugh at your own creation

Courage to laugh at your own creation!
* Bengal Doomed
* Bengalis Shamed
* How India Travels
* figurative

Suspect Ashfaq with fake FB account befriended Kamlesh Tiwari to kill him

Women and men need to be extra cautious when interacting with strangers on Social Media.
Social Media is full of fake smooth talkers. It's even highly possible that the name can be true, the existence of the person can be true, but everything else can be a big bluff!
#KamleshTiwari was butchered by one such feku in Lucknow in October 2019.
* How India Travels

P.S: Tweet courtesy Rupa Murthy.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Murder of schoolteacher Bandhuprakash Pal, wife Beauty Pal, son Angane at Jiaganj on Nabami of Durga Puja 2019

With 'I know it all' hypocrites in plentiful in Bengal, the cold-blooded butchers of 3 innocent lives, viz Angan (the innocent 8 yrs old), his pregnant mother and his father will roam the streets scotfree.
School teacher Bandhuprakash Pal (35), pregnant wife Beauty Pal (30) and son Angan were brutally murdered inside their house at Jiaganj in Murshidabad district of West Bengal on 2019-10-08.
The attitude of men and women followers of TheWire (and peddlers of similar content) who prefer to cocoon themselves in a veil of privacy only adds courage to the anti-socials/ anti nationals.
* How India Travels

The prime mover in West Bengal is sick

When the prime mover/ leader is sick and flawing, the health and mentality of the followers/ subjects isn't too difficult to guess! 
Spotted the sick duo on Wednesday, 2019-10-16 around 9.30pm, a Mahindra Scorpio with a red beacon which fell ill while trying to haul a seriously ill Tata Sumo with a blue beacon in a busy thoroughfare in Kolkata. Both the sick units on wheels belong to the Republic of West Bengal. 
It's a different matter that flaunting of beacons on VIP vehicles are banned across the rest of India. Who cares? 
# figurative 
# HowIndiaTravels 

Islamists celebrate the murder of Kamlesh Tiwari in Lucknow on 2019-10-18

Islamists celebrate the brutal murder on 2019-10-18 of Kamlesh Tiwari. NDTV led the charge with their attempts to trivialise the crime.

Unknown assailants entered the residence of former Hindu Mahasabha leader Kamlesh Tiwari with a gun and knife concealed in sweet boxes, shot bullets at him and slit his throat, killing him.

However, soon after he was killed, many social media users expressed their glee over the brutal murder of a Hindu leader committed in broad daylight. Moreover, NDTV described Tiwari as a ‘fringe Hindu leader’.

Tiwari was jailed by the then Akhilesh Yadav government and NSA charges were slapped against him. Tiwari’s remarks on Prophet Muhammad’s sexuality had sparked widespread outrage and there were violent protests in several parts of the country demanding his beheading in December 2015 and January 2016. After being jailed for almost a year, Tiwari had got bail after the Allahabad HC had in September 2016 quashed the NSA charges slapped against him.

Text source: OpIndia dated 2019-10-18.
Photo source: India Today.

The #I_know_it_all feku chaddi-less men & women sickular cowards would say that the cold blooded murder of Kamlesh Tiwari in Lucknow on 2019-10-18 was a trivial matter in a huge country like India at a time when there's a huge recession sweeping through the nation.
After all, 'The Wire' and the nonsense didn't report anything serious with respect to the murder.

Hindus are working overtime to destroy fellow Hindus

This is what happens when Hindus work overtime to destroy themselves.

It's because of the chaddi-less feku sickular Hindus that the entire community will suffer.

Media's interpretation of Narendra Modi's preference for Papaya

How media interprets what Narendra Modi says (and incidentally the anti-Modi chaddiless retards/ jerks parrot the same words thereafter):

Reporter: Sir, what do you eat during Navratri?

Modi: I only eat one single fruit in this Navratri.

Reporter: PM Sir; which fruit will you Eat ?

Modi: Papaya

NDTV: Breaking news ...
Modi does not like Mangoes; Banana; etc. He only eats Papaya.

Surjewala: Modi like Papaya means Saffron in  color.
This means Saffronisation of food choice

Shekhar Gupta: This means Modi is only promoting Hindutva.
He does not like green fruits means he is against Muslims.
This clearly shows Modi has no feelings for Muslims.

Mamata: I will put a ban on  papaya in Bengal.

Rahul Gandhi: My favorite Fruit is Banana ....I will never eat Papaya.

Barkha Dutt: The nation wants to know why Modi likes Papaya more than other fruits .

Mehbooba Mufti: Modi doesn't like Kashmiri Apple.This is Modi’s tactic to usurp Kashmir. We will not allow this to happen.

Yechuri: Selecting an expensive fruit like Papaya shows Modi is pro-capitalist. We would ask for a Judicial enquiry.

Kejriwal: Traditionally AAM (mango) is considered the King of Fruits.
Modi is anti aam aadmi.

Ravish Kumar: Modi has betrayed his ugly, communal façade by declaring that he likes Papaya. By deliberately avoiding green guavas from the list of fruits he likes, Modi has clearly demonstrated his anti-Muslim, communal mentality. He is Polarising the nation.

Rajdeep Sardesai: "Modi likes Papaya an Indian fruit which mean he hates Olives, the Italian fruit. This shows a narrow nationalism. These RSS people have no international taste & class"

Mani Shankar Aiyar: Modi is a rotten Papaya and must therefore be immediately removed from the basket. Otherwise all Papayas in the basket will rot. A rotten Papaya like modi has no place in the secular, all-inclusive basket of India.

Alpesh Thakor: मोदीजी विश्व का सबसे महंगा पपीता खाते है

Pawan Khera: मोदीजी विश्व के सबसे उच्च किस्म के पपीते से facial करवाते है.

Kanhaiya Kumar: मोदीजी केवल पपीते का केसरी भाग खाते है और हरे भाग को काट कर फैंक देतें है मोदी ने देश को तोड़ दिया.

Sadanand Dhume quoting Rupa:
"As per an eminent economist, eating only Papaya can reduce consumption of other food, thus lowering Indian GDP growth by 100 basis points."

The Wire and its readers: Would avoid commenting to remain within a veil of privacy.

600 Theatre Artists, 100 Filmmakers, 103 Economists, Civil society groups and Award Wapsi brigade has issued a joint statement urging Indians to boycott Papaya , as this fruit is damaging the unity & integrity of India.

This is how media (and their respective target audience) interpret every news in 2019 😊

Vande mataram! Jai Hind!!

Ramesh Behl killed in roadrage in Kolkata on 2019-10-17

Ramesh Behl, the 64-year-old co-director of private security firm Dark's Security Consultant lost his life for raising his voice against honking outside his residence at Bakulbagan Road, Bhowanipore in the heart of south Kolkata on Thursday, 20019-10-17 afternoon. Angered by the protest, the accused who was possibly the owner-cum-driver of another car shoved and slapped the elderly man who lost his balance and fell. His head struck the kerb stone on the edge of the pavement and he lost his consciousness, never to regain it.

Behl had stepped out of his Bhowanipore residence at Bakulbagan and was about to board his grey coloured Toyota Innova SUV when the incident took place around 1.10pm.

The accused slapped and pushed him. Behl then fell down and became unconscious. He was rushed to a nursing home where he was declared brought dead.
Behl was on his way to his office at Park Towers on Ballygunge Circular Road and his driver took his Innova to the Bakulbagan Road-Ramesh Mitra Road crossing close to the Kalighat Telephone Exchange. He was about to board it when a red hatchback came up from behind and started honking. Within a second, the driver hit the mud-guard of the Innova. Behl protested.
“Gari khada hain. Dhakka kyun mara? (The car is stationary. Why did you hit it?)” he asked. “The driver of the car initially said sorry but as soon as Behl moved away, he started honking again,” Bahl’s driver told police.
Bahl protested again. “This time, the driver of the car came out and after a heated exchange, the accused slapped Behl. The 64-year-old fell on the edge of the footpath and his head hit the kerb stone at the edge of the pavement. Seeing this, the accused jumped into his car and fled. Behl’s driver rushed to inform his family, who shifted him to Heath Point Nursing Home barely less than 10 minutes away. At the hospital, he was declared dead,” said an investigating officer.

The Bhowanipore police have registered a case under IPC section 304 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder). “Our investigation so far has revealed that the accused was practising law in a court in the city. Behl’s driver and CCTV footages have helped in identifying the accused driver. The accused is presently absconding. We are raiding several places to nab him,” said joint CP M Sharma. The last four digits of the hatchback has been identified as 5443.
Investigators said they are using the driver’s statement as the primary witness. “Based on his complaint, we have registered an FIR. We have asked our forensic team to collect blood samples from the spot,” said an officer.

Content source: The Times Of India, Kolkata edition dated 2019-10-18.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

PM Modi consoles the Chairman of ISRO after the partially failed Chandrayaan-2 mission

Dr. K. Sivan, the 62 year old son of a farmer, the first Graduate of his family and later an IISC & IIT Scholar, an ISRO Veteran of 37 years, you should not despair. What no football match or Oscars could do, that is keep me awake all night in excitement & anticipation, you and your team achieved that feat ... and much much more. We are sure the two best friends Vikram Lander and Pragyaan Rover landed successfully and are going about their jobs, just that they are not able to communicate with us due to a very minor glitch which is not at all uncommon in complex Space Exploration projects. We know you are heartbroken, and maybe, so are we a bit, but there's always a next time Sir, and I, with Billions others would be awake again cheering you to witness yours and your super team's success. Bravo. Salute. #ISRORocks

Copied from Rupam Gupta.

You have the complete support of every right thinking Indian and the blessings of PM Modi. Nothing can go wrong.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Bangladesh flag and national anthem at Rampurhat Girls High School on 2019-08-15

Bangla/ Pochhim Bongo/ West Bengal is so 'sickular'!
On India's Independence Day in 2019, Rampurhat Girls High School celebrated the day with Bangladeshi flag and their national anthem 😡
Why, why, why, why??? 😡
In a state where the head is the only 'anuperona' (inspiration) provider, it's obvious that HER 'chappal licking' loyalists are out to appease her 😡

Stone pelting by Muslims on passing trains in Sangrampur on 2019-08-14

This is NOT Kashmir of yestermonths or yesteryears.
What you see is the audacity of 'pissful' lungi clad stone pelting 'gaddars' at Sangrampur village in the railway line to Diamond Harbour, West Bengal on 2019-08-14.
The scary situation disrupted the running of trains for 10 hours at a stretch.
The video has gone viral thanks to the crew of a local train.
All this is a fallout of finger wagging governance and appeasement politics.
This is West Bengal of today.
This incident should be brought to the attention of the #RailwayMinister, #HomeMinister, #PMO for exemplary punishment to the culprits.
No media has taken up the issue to its logical conclusion.
এটা কাশ্মীরের ঘটনা নয়। পশ্চিমবাংলার ডায়মন্ডহারবার লাইনে সংগ্রামপুরের। এতবড় ঘটনা সমস্ত মিডিয়া চেপে গেছে। এটা  14/08/2019 তারিখের কথা বলছি, ঐ লাইনে  লুঙ্গি বাহিনীর তান্ডবে প্রায় ১০ ঘন্টা ধরে ট্রেন বন্ধ ছিল। পশ্চিমবাংলা কাশ্মীরের পথে। উল্টোদিকে দাঁড়িয়ে থাকা ট্রেনের গার্ডের করা এই ভিডিও।রেলমন্ত্রী অবধি খবর টা পৌছাতেই হবে। সাধারণ নিত্যযাত্রীদের লক্ষ্য করে পাথর ছোড়া পাত্থরবাজদের গ্রেপ্তার করতে হবে I

Search 'BHIKARI' on Google

At 5.38pm on Saturday, 2019-08-17, I typed 'bhikari' on Google.
Instantly a 'pissful' Imran Khan's name and photo popped up.
I love that!

The #EnemiesWithin, viz  #ModiHaters and the 'beep' lovers will be heart broken 😜
Earlier in the afternoon on 2019-08-17, I overheard something about searching BHIKARI on Google by somebody totally unknown to me speaking on the mobile at a road intersection.
I stopped at the first available opportunity and checked it out myself.
And I found the BHIKARI.
Took a screenshot, cropped it and posted it for you'll 😅

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How could someone think of Hegemony Global School as a school name

I'd love to meet the branding asses who coined and finally approved #Hegemony as the name of this proposed 'global school'.
In Bengal, kids would have refused to name their school to others because they would have surely become the butt of all jokes 😉
Photo courtesy: Sekar Narayanan.

Mamata's epic 'Mother of thief are sound most'

ইংরেজীতে অনুবাদ শিখুনঃ
"চোরের মায়ের বড় গলা" - "Mother of thief are sound most."

রক্কে করো বগবান রক্কে করো।।
 ইনি আমাদের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী😄😄🙏🙏

Locket Chatterjee gave a befitting speech on Triple Talaq in Parliament on 2019-07-25

What a befitting speech on #TripleTalaq by friend, actress and BJP MP from Hooghly (West Bengal), Locket Chatterjee!
Absolutely loved the way how on Thursday, 2019-07-25 in Parliament, she exposed the hypocrisy of all those political parties who want this barbaric practice to continue for sheer vote bank.
However, loads of hypocritic Indians, the #EnemiesWithin are happy to bombard every social media platform with the downloaded video of a mugged up plagiarized speech by another lady MP from Bengal whose irritated body language shows her shoving her middle finger up people's a$$.

Monday, July 15, 2019

A fishing trawler from Kakdwip in South 24 Parganas district in West Bengal capsized in bad weather in the choppy waters of the Bay of Bengal on July 7, 2019.
Rabindranath Das managed to keep himself afloat without any food and only rain water for 5 days before he was spotted and rescued by the sailors of MV Zawed, 600 Kms from the accident spot.
নৌকা ডুবিতে পাঁচদিন ধরে সমুদ্রে ভেসে থাকা দক্ষিন ২৪ পরগনার অন্তর্গত কাকদ্বীপ থানার বাসিন্দা মৎস্যজীবী রবীন্দ্রনাথ দাসকে উদ্ধার করে  বাংলাদেশের কেএসআরএম গ্রুপের মালিকানাধীন এমভি জাওয়াদের নাবিকরা।

  1. #HowIndiaTravels

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Ushoshi Sengupta harassment video

The short video that Ms. Ushoshi Sengupta, Miss India 2010 managed to record while the helmetless 'muslim' goons on bikes attacked Tarak, her UBER cab driver on Monday, 2019-06-17 around 11.40pm, near Exide crossing in Kolkata.

Ushoshi was also cursed, harassed and tugged.

She ran to the cops stationed at the Maidan Police Station barely 50 mtrs away. The cops refused to help her because the place where the incident was happening was on the other side of the road and was under the jurisdiction of Bhowanipore Police Station. It was only when she broke down and kept pleading for help that the cops reluctantly relented. They caught two of those rogues but were outnumbered

When she was nearing her residence well past midnight about 8 kms away in Lake Gardens, a peaceful residential locality of south Kolkata, six of the helmetless goons in two bikes tracked and blocked the UBER cab once again. They thrashed the driver, smashed the windscreen and hurled a couple of bricks at the car.

Hearing the commotion local residents approached her and then only the goons fled.

Mamata's corrupt governance exposed by an elderly builder in Kolkata

Hear what an elderly builder in Sinthee in north Kolkata also dealing in construction materials has to say about the rampant corruption in TMC, a party owned by Mamata who projected herself as a #SymbolOfIntegrity.
He claims to have paid over Rs.40 lakhs to the local TMC leader between 2012 and 2018 😠

People have started speaking out after the LokSabhaElections2019 when TMC got a drubbing and Mamata has been openly asking her party functionaries (goons) to return 'cut money' (term coined by Mamata Banerjee for 'commission') they have collected from citizens ever since May 2011.
# MaMaMa
# Eii Trinamool Aar Na
# Eii Mamata Aar Na
# Bengal Doomed
# Bengalis Shamed
# How India Travels

Doctors of SCB Medical College, Cuttack burnt effigy of Mamata

Doctors of SCB Medical College & Hospital in Cuttack, Odisha lighted an effigy of Mamata Banerjee after junior doctors of NRS Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata were brutally attacked by two truckloads of Muslim goons late on Monday, 2019-06-10.

BSNL has no funds to pay June 2019 salaries

The BSNL guys did their fair share of dadagiri for decades. It's being heard that deadwoods of the overburdened company might not get their salaries for June 2019.
I am delighted by their plight.
Even if the 1.76 lakh employees starve to death, nobody is going to shed tears.

Nusrat Jahan Jain attends Parliament on 2019-06-25 wearing 'ek chutki sindoor'

Nusrat Jahan Jain wearing 'ek chutki sindoor' on her forehead and a heavy dose of 'mehndi' on her palms appeared for the first time in Parliament on Tuesday, 2019-06-25 after her marriage with Kolkata resident Nikhil Jain in June 2019.