Sunday, October 20, 2019

Islamists celebrate the murder of Kamlesh Tiwari in Lucknow on 2019-10-18

Islamists celebrate the brutal murder on 2019-10-18 of Kamlesh Tiwari. NDTV led the charge with their attempts to trivialise the crime.

Unknown assailants entered the residence of former Hindu Mahasabha leader Kamlesh Tiwari with a gun and knife concealed in sweet boxes, shot bullets at him and slit his throat, killing him.

However, soon after he was killed, many social media users expressed their glee over the brutal murder of a Hindu leader committed in broad daylight. Moreover, NDTV described Tiwari as a ‘fringe Hindu leader’.

Tiwari was jailed by the then Akhilesh Yadav government and NSA charges were slapped against him. Tiwari’s remarks on Prophet Muhammad’s sexuality had sparked widespread outrage and there were violent protests in several parts of the country demanding his beheading in December 2015 and January 2016. After being jailed for almost a year, Tiwari had got bail after the Allahabad HC had in September 2016 quashed the NSA charges slapped against him.

Text source: OpIndia dated 2019-10-18.
Photo source: India Today.

The #I_know_it_all feku chaddi-less men & women sickular cowards would say that the cold blooded murder of Kamlesh Tiwari in Lucknow on 2019-10-18 was a trivial matter in a huge country like India at a time when there's a huge recession sweeping through the nation.
After all, 'The Wire' and the nonsense didn't report anything serious with respect to the murder.

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