Saturday, December 14, 2019

Uluberia railway station ransacked by 'pissful pigisis' on Friday, 2019-12-13 afternoon onwards

Uluberia railway station on Friday, 2019-12-13.

In West Bengal, leaves on trees don't move without the 'inspiration' (anuprerona) of an aspirational Nobel Prize aspirant and a self proclaimed Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind.

Who provided the inspiration to these muslims, viz. 'pissful pigisis' to openly ransack Uluberia  railway station on Friday, 2019-12-13 afternoon onwards?

Why are the effing opportunist 'buddhijibis' meaowing on TV now.

Would love to see the day these 'pigisis' ransack their property and massacre them and their dear ones.

The 'pissful pigisis', their fiberal apologists and the in-vogue Hinduphobic retards should be publicly exposed, shamed, boycotted and harshest of punishment meted out.
* Citizen Ammendment Bill
* India Needs NRC
* Bengal Needs NRC
* India Needs CAB
* Enemies Within
* Bengal Doomed
* How India Travels
* Who Provided The Inspiration

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