Saturday, December 14, 2019

Ambulance stopped and attacked on NH34 in Murshidabad by CAB/ NRC protestors on Friday, 2019-12-13

Mindless, blood thirsty ruffians supposedly protesting the Citizens Amendment Bill 2019 and imposition of NRC in West Bengal were in no mood to spare an ambulance ferrying a critically ill patient on NH34 in Murshidabad, West Bengal on Friday, 2019-12-13.

Cancel your proposed drive, if any, through Bengal.

Everybody is left wondering why Muslims in Bengal are rioting against the new CAB bill. They must be illegal immigrants who have been doled out generous dose of appeasement goodies by political parties over years together in lieu of assured votes.
* Citizen Ammendment Bill
* India Needs NRC
* Bengal Needs NRC
* India Needs CAB
* Enemies Within
* Bengal Doomed
* How India Travels
* Who Provided The Inspiration
* Indian Roadie News

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