Monday, August 9, 2021

TMChii leaders pleading for removal of non-bailable warrants of their own rogues at a police station in Tripura

After unleashing extreme mayhem in West Bengal, the ChiiChii rogues of TMChii from Bengal have reached peaceful Tripura with dreams of screwing up the happiness of people. 

TMChii's self proclaimed unemployable idiot The_Bang_Shoe has also reached there towing the lines of Vaipo Banerjee, Kunal Ghosh, Dola Sen, Bratya Basu and many more. 

The nonsense will not be allowed to continue in BJP governed Tripura. TMChii is playing a wholly scripted and divisive game with Prashant Kishore (PK) as their advisor. It's good that all the rogues who resorted to violence on Saturday 2021-08-08, even while the pandemic is creating havoc pan-India, have been locked up with non-bailable warrants slapped on them under the National Disaster Management Act 👌👌👌 

Hear the self proclaimed grand old Queen's lieutenants Kunal Ghosh and Dola Sen pleading with the IC of a Police Station in Tripura for removal of non-bailable warrants against those arrested who have been 😃😃😃 

* Bang Bang Hoga
* How India Travels

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