Monday, August 2, 2021

Frustrated Kolkatans after the deluge in end July 2021

Culturally rich ChiiPeeMul Bengalis are great actors, too. Kolkata had 3 days of heavy rains towards the beginning of last week of July 2021. The city was inundated and remained inundated even 2 days after it was bright and sunny outside. 
The Queen of Bengal and her Mayor worked relentlessly since 2011, kept their promise and transformed the city into London with the Thames River flowing under the bed in innumerable single storey households. 
People are so delighted that not only have they brought the Queen and her Mayor back to power in May 2021, but are enacting some award winning plays (nautankis) on the flooded roads of Kolkata. 

(sarcasm intended) 

* Bengal Is Happy To Elect Its Own Girl 
* Bengal Doomed 
* How India Travels

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