Sunday, August 29, 2021

Cyclone Yaas - News 18 Bangla showed rescuers in Digha swimming in less than waist deep water in end May 2021

The bluff that Bengali news channels deliver to its Bengali viewers is horrendous. Immediately after Cyclone Yaas made a landfall on the coast of Digha in West Bengal on 2021-05-26, HER inspired channels went hyper in delivering trash. These channels had to show that the damage was enormous so that the WB government could arm twist the central government to dole out hundreds or thousands of crores. 

People crawling in less than waist deep flooded streets were supposedly swimming in deep water to rescue the flood affected while the news reporter stood a couple of feet away on dry ground. These channels and their reporters are so useless that they can't even bluff with conviction! 

The news channel delivering the trash was News 18 Bangla. 

* How India Travels

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