Monday, August 2, 2021

Crowd at Bally railway station at 6.53 pm on 2021-07-31

That's the scene at Bally railway station across the Hooghly River from Kolkata at 6.53 pm on Saturday, 2021-07-31. 
On the inspiration of Her Highness, local trains (barring a handful) are not allowed to run, ostensibly as a Covid prevention measure. 
By keeping trains out of service, it's being projected that spread of Covid is being controlled. However, it's a ploy to ensure that there's excessive crowding which will lead to spike in number of Covid cases and consequent deaths. That will give the 'person' the opportunity to start a new rhetoric that it's Modiji's failure to control the pandemic. 
Does it require rocket science to predict how many of these people jostling for space for alighting and/ or boarding the local train will contract Covid within the next 4 - 7 days and how many households will be orphaned within the next 4 - 6 weeks? All such statistics and its causes will go unreported. 
There's at least one 'person' in West Bengal who is rejoicing because the government of India is losing thousands of crores for not allowing trains to run. And it's as if the lost money will be replenished by Ministers and bureaucrats of the political party in power at the centre. 
The 'person' also rejoices seeing people suffering. 
The sinister thought is that more people suffer, the more they will remain cowed down and will have no other option but to remain alive at the mercy of Her Highness. 
In spite of experiencing a horrendous quality of life since the past 10 years, shameless people of Bengal,  a sizeable chunk of whom actively rear commie ideologies, are elated to elect its own girl! 

* Bengal Is Happy To Elect Its Own Girl   
* Bengal Doomed  
* How India Travels

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