Tuesday, July 21, 2020

WB Government has devised a form to return misappropriated Amphan fund to the exchequer

TMC is a proprietorship political outfit whose proprietress (viz. the CM of West Bengal since mid 2011) provides every form of inspiration to her 'servants' who love to call themselves as leaders.
They flick money and resources from every perceivable source.
They flicked huge sums of money from Cyclone Amphan relief fund. The cyclone had caused major damages to 3 districts and minor damages to 2 more districts on 2020-05-20.
Now to earn some brownie points SHE has asked her netas (servants) to return the money to the government exchequer.
To return the flicked money, she has even got a form printed where it is being tried to project that there was no misappropriation, but mistake in formulating the list of beneficiaries.

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