Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Patient party threatened for spot settlement of ₹1.67 lakhs at Desun Hospital, Kolkata on 2020-07-21

A gentleman named Subir Bakshi was admitted to Desun Hospital in South East Kolkata on 2020-07-17 at 7.20 pm. On 2020-07-21, the kin of the patient was informed that the bill amount till then totalling ₹1.67 lakhs.
They were also informed that the amount has to be paid in cash and that they will not entertain the patient's cashless Mediclaim insurance policy.
The behavior of the hospital executive, supposedly a doctor himself was appalling. He was heard saying that the entire bill has to be paid off and then only the patient will be released from the hospital.
He was also heard instructing the security staff of the hospital to block the exit of the patient from the hospital 😠
However, on Monday, 2020-07-27 evening, Mamata Banerjee during her virtual meeting with the PM, was heard saying that all Covid-19 treatment in government and private hospitals would be absolutely free of cost. 

This executive and his employer is a shame in the healthcare service provider industry in India. He should be named and shamed. 
Both should be named and shamed and harshest of punishment should be meted out to both. 
* How India Travels 
* Carrot N Stick 
* Marketingpundit 

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