Friday, July 3, 2020

PM Narendra Modi in Ladakh on 2020-07-03 to cheer up armymen engaged in keeping the Chinese at bay

PM Narendra Modi accompanied by Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat and Army Chief MM Naravane visited Ladakh on Friday, 2020-07-03 morning to boost the morale of our gallant warriors in the Indo China border. 
Feels proud to be an Indian with an able CEO who's a perfect management (read sales/ marketing management) professional, whose KRA is to keep all citizens safe and the chulla of citizens burning at home 🙏. Thank God that he is not an Accounts Clerk (who masquerade as brilliant finance gurus) or an useless and wasted IITian babu or 'Qualified Uneducated' school/ college teacher or whatever 😡. 
Imagine if Mauni Meaow Singh was still the Head Clerk of India who took instructions from a bartender lady or any of the uncouth thugs who had vouched for a PM born out of a khichdi 'mahathugbandhan' before the 2019 Lok Sabha elections 😠 

* How India Travels

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