Thursday, July 9, 2020

Bajaj Auto will temporarily shut down its facility in Aurangabad and cut 50 percent in wages of its employees, as authorities have imposed another lockdown from July 10 to July 18 in the city to contain the situation.
A total of 250 workers out of 8,100 were said to be infected with coronavirus at Bajaj Autos Waluj facility in Aurangabad.
Bajaj Auto managing director told CNBC-TV18 earlier in the day that the company will lower wages by 50 percent if there was another lockdown.
Talking about the latest update about infection in his factory he said, We have about 250 active cases and we have 5 deaths so far to the best of my knowledge. But I would like to add one thing that both in terms of the positive cases as also in terms of unfortunately the people who have died a lot of these people were not actually coming to work.
When asked about paying wages if there is another lockdown, he said, We have issued an advisory very clearly saying should there be any such arbitrary or irrational action for whatever reason to shut down for a week, 5 days, or 10 days -15 days whatever it is which unfortunately in the end is not up to us, it is up to the authorities, if that were to happen it is nobodys fault.
It is not the companies fault, it is not the employees fault, the problem is not going to go away we all understand and acknowledge that and hence there will be a 50 percent cut in wages. The pain will be shared by the company and the employees -that is the bottom line as of now.

Source: CNBC Tv18 dated 2020-07-07

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