Thursday, July 8, 2021

When Amir Khan and his musclemen brethrens keep marrying Hindu girls, there's no love involved. There's an evil design

Amir Khan (Age: 56 yrs in 2021), whom Lutyens media addresses as Mr. Perfectionist is divorcing his Hindu wife Kiran Rao after remaining married for 15 years. 
Prior to marrying Kiran Rao, Amir  had divorced his 1st Hindu wife Reena Dutta after remaining married for 18 years. 

It won't be long before the very pissful sickulars reach your doorsteps and 'snatch'  away your daughter, sister or even your wife. 

It's only the liberandus who will say that it's all an issue of love and divorce between two adults. 
The community has a very well charted out diabolical agenda. There's no love whatsoever involved in their evil designs. There's only sex and dhoka (deceit). The Muslim community from which Amir hails is working towards marrying Hindu girls, produce Muslim children and ensure that the population of Muslims continue to increase fast in India. 

Stop acting like a 'fiberandu' (fake + liberal + gaandu).  If you behave like ostriches with your face buried into the ground as if everything is fine, it will be you who will be at fault for allowing them to massacre your derriere. 

Open your eyes and smell the putrid air! 

* Love Jihad 
* HowIndiaTravels

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