Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Bell for Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is ready

The bell for Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is ready.
It's a single cast piece, easily the largest, 6’ X 5’, weighing 2,100 kgs, made of "Ashtadhatu", a combination of eight metals -- gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, tin, iron and mercury.
The bell will be transported to Sri Rama Temple in Ayodhya from Ramakrishna Nadar Vessels Shop in Eral, near Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu.
Listen to its mangala naada. It will drive the evils away. This bell sound can be heard up to 15 Kms away.
Chant Jai Shree Ram to vanquish all evil on earth 🙏
(Edited by Deep Banerjee)
* HowIndiaTravels

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