Saturday, July 3, 2021

Fake RT-PCR reports were sold by labs across India just prior to Kumbh Mela

When the conscience of the mass is rotting with corruption in a country, no government or leadership can change it. It's not our government, our leaders, our bureaucrats and our officers who are corrupt. We ourselves are corrupt. After Uttarakhand administration made RT-PCR reports mandatory for devotees attending Kumbha Mela, a significant number of "devotees" presented fake RT-PCR reports just so that they could attend the festival.
In a shocking probe by Uttarakhand state health ministry that has surfaced, more than 100,000 out of total 400,000 covid reports are fake. The reports seem to be prepared by a nexus as the same (bogus) address, phone number, testing kit numbers are present on reports of 500-1000 people. 
This is just the tip of the iceberg as many testing centres, fake labs and government authorities made a lot of money in this process as well - all because there were a large number of people like us who wanted a "fake" negative RT-PCR report to attend the festival. 
Buying fake Covid reports to "fool" the system to attend weddings, festivals and for the purpose of tourism - that's something only our society can do. When the morality and conscience of such a large section of the society is non-existent, what would rules, laws and enforcement authorities do? 
What kind of moral values people have who are being dishonest, fraud and put entire country's life at risk, supposedly to do an act of dharma? Absolutely shameful !!! 
Courtesy: Facebook post of @Kshitij Mohan Singh  dated 2021-06-24. 

* HowIndiaTravels

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