Thursday, July 1, 2021

Sikhs are now clamoring for strict laws against love jihad

A section of the Sikh community are now craving for a strict law against love jihad. The ground realities have forced them to take an U - turn from their earlier stand. 

It's only when the pissful 'historical gaddars' will come knocking at the doorsteps of fiberandus and start tugging the saree or pallu of their wife, daughter, sister, mother, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, ..... they will start screaming for help and/or justice. 
It might be too late by the time help ever reaches them. All those nonsensical rhetorics and belief about 'bhaichaara' will appear totally deceptive. 

I have quite a few such fools on my list of online and offline friends. I am sure you too have such people in your list. Let's pray that good senses prevail in them at the earliest. 

* HowIndiaTravels

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