Monday, July 19, 2021

What is the biggest threat India or Hinduism is facing in the 2020s

Mental Colonisation of Hindus
What is the biggest threat India or Hinduism is facing in the 2020s? Is it Islam or Christianity? NO. India's biggest threat is from mentally colonised Hindus. Did it happen during Islamic rule for 500 or 600 years? No. Did it happen during British colonial rule? Not much. It all happened after British vacated their seat and installed an Indian PM on the throne. Gandhi helped British in this effort because it was not possible to install Nehru who was not popular in his own Congress party and none of State party chiefs voted for Nehru. Majority wanted Sardar Patel as the first PM. But Gandhi prevailed over all and they relented for Nehru's choice.
Nehru had mentally prepared to start a new party and he chalked out a plan to convert India to a Communist state on lines of Soviet Union. Since Sardar Patel died in 1950, Nehru felt greatly relieved and dropped the idea of forming a separate party but his dreams of a socialist state were intact.He knew that the best and easiest way to do so was to mentally subjugate young generation who will be asset to realise his dream of a socialist state. It was not possible to directly convert people to communism so socialism looked less offensive and more palatable to blunt opposition within his own party.
He appointed a Madarsa educated maulana as first Education minister, maulana Abdul Kalam Azad. He was not even Indian.He was born in Mecca and his wife was a Persian.India liberated from yoke of invaders and British almost after 1000 years had an illiterate (Madarsa educated) and of foreign origin as its first Education minister. This meant that a titular head of the department will act as per whims and fancies of PM.
All invaders were glorified in history books as great, merciful, benevolent kings and promoters of so called great Islamic art. Hindu ancient history was removed from curriculum and Hindu Kings were shown as weak and losers.Our generation read this history. And what most of us carry in our head hardly needs elaboration.It did not end with Azad. There were succession of Muslim education ministers until the last Fakruddin Ali was installed as President by Indira Gandhi.Nurul Hasan is said to have communist leanings but a Muslim is first an Islamist and communism was a smokescreen for him to find favours with a left leaning government.
Indian brand of secularism was insidiously injected in genes of India.The air was pregnant with secularism virus which blowed from Himalayas to Indian ocean.It is to be noted that secularism originated from France which spread to Europe and America. It was to separate religion from state.This did not suit Nehru who carried deep hatred in his heart for Hinduism. So he made it a Nehru brand of secularism with privileges enshrined in constitution for Muslims and Christians and Hindus were officially made a second class citizen.Nehru knew that this lethal virus will infect all, citizens and politicians alike.No wonder a so called Hindutva party, BJP and an organisation founded avowedly to promote and protect Hindu interest, RSS are much ahead of Nehru's Congress in appeasing Muslims.
Mental colonisation of Hindus was complete during Indira Gandhi's regime.She appointed a committee all dominated by communists to review history and NCERT text books. Whatever little reference to Indian kings were left were all removed. No wonder generation of students having received eduction post 1980 are mostly left oriented.If you happen to interact with people post 1980 you can easily notice the change.
Our generation is more stubborn mentally and resists change. It is because of ignorance and mental conditioning for seven decades.Technology takes time to penetrate rusted layers in brain. Some have genuine health issues because of advancing age and some are drowned in belief that they know everything. This generation is mostly innocuous to change.Unless you were lucky to be born in a deep rooted Santan family, education cut them off from their roots. I have heard people proudly saying I don't visit temples, I don't read Hindu religidon't read Hindu religious books.They consider it below dignity to declare proudly they are Hindus lest they are branded communal. They are not wrong. Hindus have been branded as communal for last 7 decades and real communal people are called peaceful.Hindu festivals like Holi, Diwali, Ganesh festivals have all been imposed with some restrictions. Holi is said to be wasteful of water, Diwali pollutes air, Durga pooja causes noise pollution and Kumbh is super spreader of Covid 19. Conversely butchering of animals during Muslim festivals improves quality of water in  rivers, loudspeakers blaring from mosques five times a day spread peace messages.And protagonists of such movements are mostly Hindus.
Some changes are noticeable since 2014 not because of government but in spite of it. Social media has revolutionised the information sharing. People have grabbed this opportunity with open mind. Those who want to learn have independent sources of information and they can choose as per need and choice. Govt's initiative is very negligible because it silently promotes Nehruvian philosophy. So no change in history books and NCERT syllabus in 7 years. But people have mounted immense pressure either change or perish. So you can see some senior ministers had to be axed.
Our generation which is static to changes is infructuous to contribute much positively but their silence and neutrality is disheartening. Some people are of course making invaluable contribution through
their enterprising acumen and skill. But they are exceptions. This is the greatest wastage of talent pool which could be asset to nation building.
One advantage to our generation is that we are not in a position to harm Hindu cause much even if we want. No body cares a dime for us and considered a spent force. Even if we harbour negative thoughts about our forefathers due to ignorance or lethargy to learn, we are not in a strong position to transfer our negative perceptions. I don't know whether departure of this generation will be good or bad for Hindu cause, our reticence sends ominous signal.

* HowIndiaTravels 

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