Saturday, July 31, 2021

TMChii's performance in Tripura assembly elections will be a disaster: Suvendu Adhikari on 2021-07-30

Suvendu Adhikari has rightly predicted on 2021-07-30 that if at all TMChii manages to rope in 60 odd candidates to contest the next assembly polls in Tripura, the party of rogues will bag lesser number of votes than the number of votes polled for NOTA. 

* How India Travels

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

New look Vadodara railway station

Pathbreaking Initiatives By Bjp Govt in Indian Railways under the able leadership of Narendra Modi ever since 2014. Watch the new look Vadodara station. 

* What Has Modi Done

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Fake IPS officer, resident of Ariadaha arrested on 2021-07-27

A 'fake' IPS officer named Rajarshi Bhattacharya who used to identify himself as a  RAW official has been arrested from Kolkata on Tuesday, 2021-07-27. Bullets (6 rounds) and over ₹3 lakhs in cash have also been recovered from his SUV. His SUV always sported a blue beacon on top. His driver and body guard in 'official' uniform has also been arrested. 
The man is a resident of Ariadaha near Dakshineshwar in North Kolkata. 

How is it that all such 'fake' high ranking government officials are getting arrested ever since 2021-06-22 when their neighbours are categorically saying that they have been knowing these people as 'officials' since the past 2 - 4 years. It's not that these people had changed their identity overnight and surfaced as 'dignified people' in their respective localities. All of them were long term residents with own houses in their place of stay. Naturally nobody suspected these crooks. 

These fakes wouldn't have managed to survive for so long without the rock solid support of very important people in the administration. 

* WestBengalFakeOfficials 
* Kolkata_CityOfFakeHumans 
* TMChiiHaiTohMumkinHai 
* BengalIsHappyToElectItsOwnGirl  
* Bengal Is Happy With Its Makebelief Cultural Superiority 
* BengalDoomed 
* BengalisShamed
* HowIndiaTravels 

Monday, July 26, 2021

The mating of CPI(M) with TMC on the sly is being declared legal by Biman Bose in end July 2021

The dangerous communal forces in West Bengal, viz. 'hanikarak' CPI(M) and 'street corner illiterate rogue' TMC are willing to become bedfellows to stalemate the fast progression of India under the able leadership of Narendra Modi, BJP. 

Biman Bose will have his fish fry sitting in Nabanna and ask 'red volunteers' to write slogans and paint wall graffitis for TMC. 

The mating of CPI(M) with TMC on the sly is being declared legal by Biman Bose in end July 2021. The illegitimate relationship which bred ChiiPeeMul offsprings like rats ever since 2011 are now being given the stamp of legitimacy. 

* How India Travels

From the Facebook wall post of Sanmoy Banerjee dated 2021-07-26

কংগ্রেসের টুইটারে অভিষেক বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের  সমর্থনে একটি টুইট নিয়ে প্রচুর সোরগোল হচ্ছে ।
আমি অবাক হইনি । ২৬ তারিখ মমতা দিল্লী যাচ্ছেন ২ বছর বাদে । তার জন্য একটা হাইপ তৈরির দায়িত্ব ছিল পি কের ওপর।  এটা তারই অঙ্গ । ইতিমধ্যেই বাংলা সংবাদ মাধ্যমের ন্যাকামি শুরু হয়েছে । কি হচ্ছে কি হচ্ছে ভাব । এবার বিমান ধরবেন, এবার সিঁড়ি দিয়ে নামবেন, এবার গাড়িতে উঠবেন, এবার অভিষেকের ফ্ল্যাটে ঢুকবেন, এবার  ফোন ধরবেন, এবার একটু বিশ্রাম নেবেন, এবার ডেরেক, সুখেন্দু ঘরে ঢুকল, এবার সুদিপকে ডেকে নিলেন...........হাঁপাতে হাঁপাতে কাঁপতে কাঁপতে দৌড়তে দৌড়তে দিল্লী থেকে লাইভ কভারেজ । এদিকে কলকাতার স্টুডিওতে মহিলা এঙ্কর বলছেন তুমি আমাদের সঙ্গে থাক । আমাদের প্রতিনিধি বিজেন্দ্রর সঙ্গে আমাদের যোগাযোগ হয়েছে । বিজেন্দ্র তুমি বল কাল মমতা সেন্ট্রাল হলে যাবেন । সেন্ট্রাল হলের প্রস্তুতি কিরকম ? সাংসদরা কি আজ থেকেই রাতে থাকবেন ওখানে ......
টেক্কা দেওয়া কভারেজ । কে আগে মমতাকে প্রধানমন্ত্রী করবে তার দৌড় । দেখার মত এই পরীক্ষা দিচ্ছে চ্যানেল গুলো । মমতা যেদিন বলেছেন দিল্লী যাবেন সেদিন থেকেই এই "কাঙালের দিল্লী দর্শন" শুরু করেছে কিছু বাংলা সংবাদ মাধ্যম ।
এটাই পি কের স্ট্র্যাটেজি । ঠিক আগের দিন কংগ্রেসকে দিয়ে অভিষেককে নিয়ে তাই টুইট । আর অন্যদিকে বাংলায় সংবাদ মাধ্যমের হাইপ তোলার খেলা । দুয়ে মিলে জল গরম, চায়ের টেবিলের প্রস্তুতি । দিদি পি এম হবেন ।
সব বুঝলাম । বাস্তবতাটা কি ? তর্কের খাতিরে ২০২৪ এ ধরে নিলাম তৃণমূল ৪২ এ ৪২ পেল । তাতে কংগ্রেস ছাড়বে প্রধানমন্ত্রীর পদ ? বিরোধীরা   ক্ষমতায় আসার অবস্থা হলে কংগ্রেসকে একক ভাবে অন্তত ১৪০ টি আসন পেতেই হবে । ১৪০ বড় না ৪২ বড় ? মাথা খুঁড়লেও সারা ভারতে তৃণমূলের পক্ষে শাখা খুলে, অফিস খুলে, টাকা ঢেলে একটি সাংসদ পাওয়াও কি সম্ভব ?
পি কে জানেন না ? বিহারে নীতিশকে টক্কর দিতে গিয়ে কি তার দশা হয়েছিল ? এর আগে তৃণমূল national হতে গিয়ে ৯ টি রাজ্যে শাখা খুলেছিল । একটি রাজ্যেও একজন পঞ্চায়েতও আজ তৃণমূলের নেই । তৃণমূলের পয়সা খরচ করে খোলা অফিস গুলোতে পানের দোকান, লস্যির দোকান হয়ে গেছে । বাংলা সংবাদ মাধ্যম জানে না এসব ? 
তাহলে ? তাহলেও এই আদিখ্যেতা চলবে । কারণ চ্যানেলে, সংবাদপত্রে নবান্নের প্রণামীটা দরকার । যেটা মমতা দেন । ভালো পরিমাণে । সেই ইতিহাস,প্রমান বারবার দিয়েছি, ডকুমেন্ট সহ একাধিক বার এই ওয়ালেই লিখেছি ।
আমায় ভাবাচ্ছে অন্য একটি বিষয় । কংগ্রেসের সঙ্গে তৃণমূলের ফাইনাল সেটলমেন্টটা এবারই শুরু হবে । ২০২৪ এ কংগ্রেস - তৃণমূল জোট প্রক্রিয়া শুরু করে দেবেন সোনিয়া মমতা । বাংলায় সি পি এম তখন কি করবে ?
এরাজ্যে কংগ্রেস এখন সত্তরের দশকের বাংলা কংগ্রেসের দশার থেকেও খারাপ অবস্থায় । তাও সি পি এম দক্ষিণ পন্থী ভোট পাওয়ার আশায় কংগ্রেসকে জোট সঙ্গী করে ২০২১ এও ৯৪ টা আসনে কংগ্রেসের হয়ে প্রাণপন খাটল, প্রচার করল । দলের মধ্যেই কংগ্রেসের সঙ্গে হাত ধরার ব্যাপারে তীব্র আপত্তি থাকা সত্বেও সূর্য বাবু, বিমান বাবুরা জোটকে এগিয়ে নিয়ে গেলেন । লড়লেন । আশায় ছিলেন । নেট রেজাল্ট হল জিরো । আবারও দলের মধ্যে দাবী উঠল বিচ্ছেদের । তাকে অগ্রাহ্য করে অবস্থার প্রেক্ষিত বোঝানোর উদ্যোগ নিয়ে সাম্প্রদায়িকতার বিপদ বুঝিয়ে গণতান্ত্রিক জোটের পথেই রইলেন বঙ্গ সি পি এম । ঘোষণাও করলেন সেই মোতাবেক ।
এখন তাহলে কি হবে তাঁদের ? কংগ্রেস তাদের হাত ছাড়বে এটা ঘটনা পরম্পরায় সত্যি হওয়াটা সময়ের অপেক্ষা । সি পি এম এখন কি বোঝাবে কর্মীদের ? যাঁরা দলের মধ্যে এই লাইনের বিরোধী ছিলেন তাঁদের ? সূর্যবাবুরা রাজ্য কমিটির মিটিং ডেকে সেন্ট্রাল কমিটিতে রিপোর্ট জমা দেবেন । সেন্ট্রাল কমিটি তা পাঠাবে পলিটব্যুরোর মিটিংয়ে ।   কি লেখা থাকবে সেই রিপোর্টে ? কংগ্রেস বেইমানি করেছে ? রাখা বিশ্বাসের মর্যাদা দেয়নি, তাইতো ? সেই রিপোর্ট প্রকাশ্যে এলে মুখটা কতটা পুড়বে ভেবেছেন একবারও নেতারা ?
আসলে গান্ধী পরিবারের ইচ্ছেটা তাঁরা জানতেন । কিন্তু ইগনোর করেছেন অবস্থা এবং সময়ের প্রেক্ষিতে । সোনিয়া, প্রিয়াঙ্কা বরাবরই মমতার সারথী করতে চেয়েছেন শতবর্ষ প্রাচীন প্রতিবন্ধী বাংলার এই কংগ্রেসকে । তীব্র তৃণমূল বিরোধিতার স্ট্যান্ড তাঁদের না পসন্দ । অধীর চৌধুরীর লাইনকে তারা অনিচ্ছায় সমর্থন করেছেন । ২০২১ এ মহাশূন্যে তলিয়ে যাওয়ায় বাঁধ ভেঙেছে তাঁদের ।বামেদের সঙ্গ ত্যাগ তাই সময়ের অপেক্ষা । সেই ম্যাচেরই হুইসিল বাজাবেন সোনিয়া মমতার সঙ্গে বৈঠকে । পি কে যার প্রস্তুতি সেরে গেছেন সপ্তাহ খানেক আগে ।
এই আবহেই দিল্লী যাত্রা মমতার, সর্বভারতীয় নেত্রী হতে । সি এম থেকে পি এম হতে । ২১ জুলাই পাওয়ার, চিদম্বরম, দিগ্বিজয়কে কনস্টিটিউশন ক্লাবে নিয়ে গিয়ে কলকাতা থেকে শুনিয়েছেন হিন্দী, ইংরেজী বাংলা মেশানো রোমহর্ষক সেই জগাখিচুড়ী বক্তৃতা । তাঁরাও শুনছেন, আমরাও শুনেছি । আমিও মন দিয়ে শুনেছি সেদিন তাঁর দেওয়া বক্তৃতা । 
আর মনে মনে ফিরে গেছি শৈশবের এক সন্ধ্যায় । পরিবারের সঙ্গে দেখতে গিয়েছিলাম রঙ্গনায় জহর রায়ের " আমি মন্ত্রী হব " নাটকটি ।  মনে পড়ছে ৪৫ বছর আগের সেই দৃশ্য, মন্ত্রী হতে না পারায় মঞ্চে জহর রায়ের অঝোরে গগন বিদীর্ণ করা সেই কান্না । দর্শকের আসনে বসে সবাই আমরা কেঁদে ছিলাম । এক অতৃপ্ত বাসনার এমন অপমৃত্যু চোখে জল এনে দিয়েছিল সবার ।
স্বপ্ন ভাল, স্বপ্নের অপমৃত্যু বড়ই যন্ত্রণার ।।
সন্ময় বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় (৯৮৩০৪২৬০৭৮) 

Copied verbatim from the Facebook wall post of Sanmoy Banerjee dated 2021-07-26

TMChii celebrating Foundation Day in February 2020

TMChii celebrating Foundation Day somewhere in west Bengal in February 2020 with soirees and erotic dances. 
What more can be expected from a political party of illiterate goons? 
* How India Travels 

Dr. Rupa Murthy throws a return question to those in India who keep asking 'What has Modi done?'

Dr. Rupa Murthy from USA throws a return question to those in India who keep asking 'What has Modi done?' 
This was in mid February 2020. 
* How India Travels

Dr. Rupa Murthy's message to Swara Bhaskar and gang who wanted Delhi Police exercise restraint on Muslim mobs after Delhi riots in early 2020

Dr. Rupa Murthy from USA had a strong message for Swara Bhaskar and the 'tukde tukde'/ 'enemies within' gang when they spoke about conscience and expected cops to exercise restraint after all the mindless violence and destruction of public property unleashed by the Muscleman community during the snti-CAA Delhi riots in early 2020. 
* How india Travels 

Amit Shah in Bhubaneswar in February 2020 spoke out against the lies being spread about CAA

During his visit to Bhubaneswar in February 2020, Home Minister Amit Shah spoke out against the lies and misinformation being spread by Mamata Banerjee and associated gang about CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act). 
* How India Travels

Kolkata has its own fake CBI officer named Subhodeep Banerjee

Kolkata has manufactured its own fake CBI officer named Subhodeep Banerjee who till recently moved around in a car sporting blue beacon light and a Government of India sticker. 
He has been reported to police by his own wife in July 2021 but is still roaming free. 

How is it that all such 'fake' high ranking government officials are getting arrested ever since 2021-06-22 when their neighbours are categorically saying that they have been knowing these people as 'officials' since the past 2 - 4 years. It's not that these people had changed their identity overnight and surfaced as 'dignified people' in their respective localities. All of them were long term residents with own houses in their place of stay. Naturally nobody suspected these crooks. 

These fakes wouldn't have managed to survive for so long without the rock solid support of very important people in the administration. 

Which are the big names being shielded? 

* Kolkata_CityOfFakeHumans 
* TMChiiHaiTohMumkinHai 
* BengalIsHappyToElectItsOwnGirl  
* Bengal Is Happy With Its Makebelief Cultural Superiority 
* BengalDoomed 
* BengalisShamed
* HowIndiaTravels

A high scorer in Class 10 Board exams in WB can't read his own results written in English

That's the state of education in West Bengal, thanks to 34 yrs of Left rule followed by 10 yrs of TMChii rule. Class 10 (Madhyamik) exams were not held in 2021 because of the 2nd wave of Covid-19. The results based on internal assessment by a student's own school were declared in July 2021. The success rate was 100%. 
Teachers were directed to shower marks. So much so that almost 90 students scored 497 out of 500. 

* Education And Career Pundit 
* How India Travels

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Have 'Chhole Bhature' for free in Chandigarh if you can show that you have taken the (COVID-19) vaccine on the same day

In Chandigarh's Sector 29, Sanjay Rana Ji runs a food stall and sells 'Chhole Bhature' on cycle. To eat his delicious 'Chhole Bhature' for free, you will have to show that you have taken the (COVID-19) vaccine on the same day: PM Narendra Modi at 'Mann Ki Baat' on Sunday, 2021-07-25. 
* How India Travels

Batseri bridge in Sangla valley in Kinnaur district of HP collapsed after landslides on 2021-07-25

Batseri bridge collapsed after boulders rolled downhill following torrential rains and landslides in Sangla valley of Kinnaur district in Himachal Pradesh. 
9 persons died and 3 were injured in the incident on 2021-07-25. Quite a few were tourists from NCR. 
More rains and landslides are predicted in the next 3 - 5 days. 
* Mishap And Calamity

Engineering graduates applied for temporary job of 'doms' at NRS Medical College in Kolkata

Over 100 full fledged engineering graduates applied for temporary job of 6 'doms' advertised by NRS Medical College in Kolkata in July 2021. The monthly pay would be about ₹15,000 only. 

The minimum eligibility requirements was a Class 8 pass. The total number of applicants were way above 8000 out of which 2500+ were graduates and post graduates. 

For the uninitiated, 'doms' are assistants who ferry the dead bodies from one place to another in hospitals. They are the ones who pack the dead and mutilated bodies in plastic bodies after post mortem and haul those to morgues before handing tose over to relatives of the deceased. 

This should give an idea to Indians across the world of the actual employment scenario in West Bengal after 34 years of Left rule and a further 10 years of TMChii rule. 
* How India Travels 
* Education And Career Pundit

TMChii minister hoisted 'ulta' flag during Shahid Diwas on 2021-07-21

TMChii minister hoisted 'ulta' flag during Shahid Diwas on 2021-07-21. 
* TMChii Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* How India Travels

Prasoon Joshi with Narendra Modi

Prasoon Joshi in discussion with Narendra Modi. The humility of Modiji is evident. 

* How India Travels

Swapan Dasgupta on Gandhiji

Swapan Dasgupta of BJP revealed a lot about Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi whom Indians were taught to address as the father of the nation. 
* How India Travels 

When President Dr Shankar Dayal Sharma visited Muscat in 1994

Year c.1994 : 
The then President of India, Shri Shankar Dayal Sharma visited Muscat on an official trip.
When the Air India flight landed at Muscat, three very unusual incidents occurred ... 

The Sultan of Oman never goes to the airport to receive dignitaries of any country - Never!
But this time he broke convention and was at the airport to receive the President of India!

When the flight landed, the Sultan of Oman climbed up the air stairs to go and receive the President at his seat inside the aircraft!

After they had alight ed the flight there was a car with the chauffeur standing. But the Sultan dismissed the driver and personally took the wheel to drive the President !

Later when reporters questioned the Sultan why he broke so many protocols, the Sultan replied, “I didnt go to airport to receive the President of India rather I went there to receive Dr Sharma, who was my professor when I was studying in Pune, India!”
* How India Travels 

Friday, July 23, 2021

RaGa too feels that only crooks need to be scared of Modiji

RaGa too feels that only crooks need to be scared of Modiji. 
* Laugh Aloud
* How India Travels

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Raj Kundra had paid bribe of ₹25 lakhs to Mumbai Police crime branch officials to carry on with his business of making porn films

In a sensational revelation in the pornographic films case, businessman and actor Shilpa Shetty’s husband Raj Kundra was able to avoid arrest till his arrest on 2021-07-19 by paying bribe to the tune of ₹25 lakhs to Mumbai Police’s Crime Branch officials, a wanted accused in the case has alleged.
* Raj Kundra

Raj Kundra had plans of streaming live porn content

Mumbai Police in its investigation in the Mumbai porn case, found out that accused Raj Kundra had ambitious plans regarding his porn content business. He had plans of streaming live porn content and make whopping profits from money earned from subscribers. 

The businessman, who is Shilpa Shetty's husband, was arrested by Mumbai Police on Monday, 2021-07-19. Kundra is accused of being the key conspirator in the Porn Racket Case which was busted by Mumbai Police in February 2021. 

Mumbai Police has arrested 11 people within 2 days. 

As per Mumbai Police, Raj Kundra was running this racket in a very systematic manner. He had a proper strategy to multiply the profit. 

Source: Mirror Now 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Congress leaders were waiting for Premika Gandhi to arrive

Congress 'karyakartas' (workers) in UP with placards in hand were all waiting for one Priyanka Gandhi, supposedly the Mukhyamantri to arrive in July 2021. 
Some said they were waiting for Sonia Gandhi, while one was waiting for Maneka Gandhi or even a Premika Gandhi. 
This is how Con will win UP. 
* Congress Chronicles 
* How India Travels

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Bell for Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is ready

The bell for Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is ready.
It's a single cast piece, easily the largest, 6’ X 5’, weighing 2,100 kgs, made of "Ashtadhatu", a combination of eight metals -- gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, tin, iron and mercury.
The bell will be transported to Sri Rama Temple in Ayodhya from Ramakrishna Nadar Vessels Shop in Eral, near Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu.
Listen to its mangala naada. It will drive the evils away. This bell sound can be heard up to 15 Kms away.
Chant Jai Shree Ram to vanquish all evil on earth 🙏
(Edited by Deep Banerjee)
* HowIndiaTravels

Cops mercilessly beat up aspiring cops in Kolkata on 2021-07-19

Real cops mercilessly beat up aspiring cops who had qualified in the selection process and even got their appointment letters but were not being called over to  join the West Bengal Police forces since 2019 for some mysteriously unknown reasons. No wonders that they don't earn their much needed salaries either. 
The shameful and barbaric action took place on Monday, 2021-07-19 in front of Bhabani Bhawan, the WBP HQ in Alipore, Kolkata where the aspiring cops gathered to sit for a 'dharna' as a mark of protest. 
What WB does today, rest of India rarely contemplates doing it in future! 

* TMChii Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* Bengal Is Happy To Elect Its Own Girl 
* Bengal Is Happy With Its Makebelief Cultural Superiority 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* How IndiaTravels

Fake IAS officer arrested from Nabadwip in West Bengal

Another 'fake' IAS officer, Adya Acharya arrested from Nabadwip, West Bengal on 2021-07-20. He had extorted huge sums of money on the pretext of providing jobs to unemployed youth. 

The earlier 'fake' IAS officer arrested on 2021-06-22 was Debanjan Deb who had been identifying himself as a Joint Commissioner of Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) since the past 3 years. 

How is it that all such 'fake' high ranking government officials are getting arrested ever since 2021-06-22 when their neighbours are categorically saying that they have been knowing these people as 'officials' since the past 2 - 4 years. It's not that these people had changed their identity overnight and surfaced as 'dignified people' in their respective localities. All of them were long term residents with own houses in their place of stay. Naturally nobody suspected these crooks. 

These fakes wouldn't have managed to survive for so long without the rock solid support of very important people in the government or the administration. 
* WestBengalFakeOfficials 
* TMChii Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* Bengal Is Happy To Elect Its Own Girl 
* Bengal Is Happy With Its Own Fake IAS 
* Bengal Is Happy With Its Makebelief Cultural Superiority 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* How IndiaTravels

Raj Kundra arrested by Mumbai Police on 2021-07-19 for making pornographic films

Raj Kundra, husband of Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty arrested by Mumbai police on 2021-07-19 on charges of making pornographic flicks using aspiring girls in rented bungalows in Mumbai. 
Kundra's name shines bright as a history sheeter in police records. 
Source: India Today 

* HowIndiaTravels

Monday, July 19, 2021

Sohail Hashmi got fined for filing a motivated petition against Central Vista project

Who is Sohail Hashmi, the ‘historian’ who got fined Rs. 1 LAKH.. for filing a motivated petition against Central Vista project
The Delhi High Court in end May 2021 dismissed a ‘motivated’ plea filed to stall the construction of Central Vista project which is of national importance. Moreover, the petitioner- Sohail Hashmi a  “historian”, writer and filmmaker was also fined Rs 1 lakh by the bench for filing a plea that was ‘not genuine’.

Who is Sohail Hashmi? 
A filmmaker and writer, Sohail Hashmi is the brother of Shabnam Hashmi- founder of a so-called NGO Anhad and Safdar Hashmi- a communist leader who was killed by Congress goons in 1989. 

Going by his Twitter handle @Dilliwal, the filmmaker seems to be a favorite of the Congress mouthpiece National Herald to which he contributed regularly and is also a staunch Modi despiser.

From supporting his sister who says “unfurling the flag of Palestine in India is no crime” to calling Prime Minister Narendra Modi a fascist and a butcher, the writer has definitely written some callous pieces.

The history buff as known by many and a ‘heritage enthusiast’ famous for carrying out heritage walks in Delhi, Hashmi has also featured in a YouTube series stripping India of every achievement and belonging.

“Most things we deem Indian are not originally from this land we perch our derriere on,” says Hashmi while asking “Yeh Hindustani kis chidiya ka naam hai?” Not sparing even the language, Hashmi questions, “Remove Urdu words such as agar, magar, mushkil, andar, bahar, teer, talwar, auzaar and wazan, what will remain in our speech?” 

Hashmi also contributes regularly to The Wire where he wrote about Centre’s Central Vista project, encroachment by Hindus and the right to dissent. 

Hashmi who seems to be a part of the ‘India intolerant’ brigade, in an interview talking about his brother Safdar remarked, “There weren’t lynch mobs (that time). Today, it is a crime to be born Muslim.” It is to be noted that Safdar Hashmi was lynched to death in 1989 by Congress goons and Congress leader Mukesh Sharma was convicted of the murder amongst others. 

Sohail Hashmi’s daughter Sania Hashmi, daughter of Sohail Hashmi is also a member of NGO Anhad, a vocal activist and a filmmaker. 

She is a part of Anhad Films that made two films on Muzaffarnagar riots, Mirchpur attacks and Bol Ke Lab Azaad Hain Terey on sexual harassment for Public Service Broadcasting Trust (PSBT), an organisation run by veteran film personalities. She had also assisted director Subhash Kapoor on the 2007 Sanjay Suri-starrer cricket film Say Salaam India. 

The duo not only appears to be an Aurangzeb sympathizer but also seems to be vocal to label India intolerant which was evident in an interview to the Indian Express. 

Hashmi had said, “If he was a temple destroyer, why didn’t Aurangzeb demolish the Buddhist, Jain and Kailasa (Hindu) temples Ellora. 

It is to be noted that Aurangzeb not only destroyed Hindu temples but also ordered beheading of Sikh Guru Tegh Bahadur for refusing to convert to Islam. The apologists, however, continue to whitewash his crimes and glorify the barbaric Mughal emperor. 

Shabnam Hashmi and ANHAD: 
Shabnam Hashmi, Sohail’s sister, has worked as an ‘activist’ since Gujarat’s 2002 riots formed an NGO ANHAD (Act Now for Harmony and Democracy) in 2003. Its FCRA license was recently canceled by the government based on inputs from intelligence agency for misusing foreign funds and working against the public interest. 

Shabnam Hashmi, often helps Congress leaders in spreading falsehoods and lies and eventually ends up blaming ‘well intentioned trusted person’ for sending her a ‘misleading’ WhatsApp forwarded message. 

It is interesting to note how both the Hashmi siblings, Sohail and Shabnam, appear to be going out of their way to spread the narrative of the very party whose leaders killed their own brother. 

(Author: Akshita Bhadauria | 31 May, 2021) 
* How India Travels 

What is the biggest threat India or Hinduism is facing in the 2020s

Mental Colonisation of Hindus
What is the biggest threat India or Hinduism is facing in the 2020s? Is it Islam or Christianity? NO. India's biggest threat is from mentally colonised Hindus. Did it happen during Islamic rule for 500 or 600 years? No. Did it happen during British colonial rule? Not much. It all happened after British vacated their seat and installed an Indian PM on the throne. Gandhi helped British in this effort because it was not possible to install Nehru who was not popular in his own Congress party and none of State party chiefs voted for Nehru. Majority wanted Sardar Patel as the first PM. But Gandhi prevailed over all and they relented for Nehru's choice.
Nehru had mentally prepared to start a new party and he chalked out a plan to convert India to a Communist state on lines of Soviet Union. Since Sardar Patel died in 1950, Nehru felt greatly relieved and dropped the idea of forming a separate party but his dreams of a socialist state were intact.He knew that the best and easiest way to do so was to mentally subjugate young generation who will be asset to realise his dream of a socialist state. It was not possible to directly convert people to communism so socialism looked less offensive and more palatable to blunt opposition within his own party.
He appointed a Madarsa educated maulana as first Education minister, maulana Abdul Kalam Azad. He was not even Indian.He was born in Mecca and his wife was a Persian.India liberated from yoke of invaders and British almost after 1000 years had an illiterate (Madarsa educated) and of foreign origin as its first Education minister. This meant that a titular head of the department will act as per whims and fancies of PM.
All invaders were glorified in history books as great, merciful, benevolent kings and promoters of so called great Islamic art. Hindu ancient history was removed from curriculum and Hindu Kings were shown as weak and losers.Our generation read this history. And what most of us carry in our head hardly needs elaboration.It did not end with Azad. There were succession of Muslim education ministers until the last Fakruddin Ali was installed as President by Indira Gandhi.Nurul Hasan is said to have communist leanings but a Muslim is first an Islamist and communism was a smokescreen for him to find favours with a left leaning government.
Indian brand of secularism was insidiously injected in genes of India.The air was pregnant with secularism virus which blowed from Himalayas to Indian ocean.It is to be noted that secularism originated from France which spread to Europe and America. It was to separate religion from state.This did not suit Nehru who carried deep hatred in his heart for Hinduism. So he made it a Nehru brand of secularism with privileges enshrined in constitution for Muslims and Christians and Hindus were officially made a second class citizen.Nehru knew that this lethal virus will infect all, citizens and politicians alike.No wonder a so called Hindutva party, BJP and an organisation founded avowedly to promote and protect Hindu interest, RSS are much ahead of Nehru's Congress in appeasing Muslims.
Mental colonisation of Hindus was complete during Indira Gandhi's regime.She appointed a committee all dominated by communists to review history and NCERT text books. Whatever little reference to Indian kings were left were all removed. No wonder generation of students having received eduction post 1980 are mostly left oriented.If you happen to interact with people post 1980 you can easily notice the change.
Our generation is more stubborn mentally and resists change. It is because of ignorance and mental conditioning for seven decades.Technology takes time to penetrate rusted layers in brain. Some have genuine health issues because of advancing age and some are drowned in belief that they know everything. This generation is mostly innocuous to change.Unless you were lucky to be born in a deep rooted Santan family, education cut them off from their roots. I have heard people proudly saying I don't visit temples, I don't read Hindu religidon't read Hindu religious books.They consider it below dignity to declare proudly they are Hindus lest they are branded communal. They are not wrong. Hindus have been branded as communal for last 7 decades and real communal people are called peaceful.Hindu festivals like Holi, Diwali, Ganesh festivals have all been imposed with some restrictions. Holi is said to be wasteful of water, Diwali pollutes air, Durga pooja causes noise pollution and Kumbh is super spreader of Covid 19. Conversely butchering of animals during Muslim festivals improves quality of water in  rivers, loudspeakers blaring from mosques five times a day spread peace messages.And protagonists of such movements are mostly Hindus.
Some changes are noticeable since 2014 not because of government but in spite of it. Social media has revolutionised the information sharing. People have grabbed this opportunity with open mind. Those who want to learn have independent sources of information and they can choose as per need and choice. Govt's initiative is very negligible because it silently promotes Nehruvian philosophy. So no change in history books and NCERT syllabus in 7 years. But people have mounted immense pressure either change or perish. So you can see some senior ministers had to be axed.
Our generation which is static to changes is infructuous to contribute much positively but their silence and neutrality is disheartening. Some people are of course making invaluable contribution through
their enterprising acumen and skill. But they are exceptions. This is the greatest wastage of talent pool which could be asset to nation building.
One advantage to our generation is that we are not in a position to harm Hindu cause much even if we want. No body cares a dime for us and considered a spent force. Even if we harbour negative thoughts about our forefathers due to ignorance or lethargy to learn, we are not in a strong position to transfer our negative perceptions. I don't know whether departure of this generation will be good or bad for Hindu cause, our reticence sends ominous signal.

* HowIndiaTravels 

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Debanjan Deb, fake IAS officer wants a CBI enquiry into deep rooted scams of engaging fake officials during 2021 assembly election in WB

Debanjan Deb, a fake IAS who thrived in West Bengal for 3 years was world's first fake Covid-19 vaccine inventor. 
He was nabbed while conducting a fake Covid Vaccination Camp and administering fake Covishield vaccines in Kasba, South Kolkata on 2021-06-22. 
While being taken to court in July 2021, he wanted a CBI enquiry into the scam. 
He said that there are innumerable 'fake' IAS, IPS, CBI, CID,  Police officers operating in West Bengal. All these fake officials were engaged by the WB state government and Prashant Kishore for the recently concluded state assembly election duty upto early May 2021. 
Now that their prime assignment of bringing the erstwhile ruling party to power is over, they are being arrested. 

* HowIndiaTravels

Once a mosque is always a mosque. However, once a temple is not always a temple

'Once a mosque is always a mosque. However, once a temple is not always a temple', that's the soch of a deshdrohi camel piss drinking tribal leader Waris Pathan. 
Needless to say, commies will find those words extremely sacrosanct. 
For 70 years we have been taught to celebrate Gyanvapi Mosque as a sign of Hindu-Muslim unity. Nonsense! 
Dr Ananand Ranganathan blasted the filthy guy on Times Now in mid July 2021. 

* HowIndiaTravels

Dr Fuad Halim of CPI(M) used unparliamentary words to describe UP CM Yogi Adityanath

The repulsive tribe of obnoxious commies who just don't have a clue of when to speak what must not only be thrown out of talk shows. They should be thrown out of India. 
Use of unparliamentary words by Dr Fuad Halim of CPI(M) to describe UP CM Yogi Adityanath led to his eviction from a debate on Times Now. 
Will someone tell Dr Fuad Halim that he is no comparison whatsoever with the abilities and integrity of Yogi Aadityanath. 

* How India Travels

Friday, July 16, 2021

Australian parliamentarian Craig Kelly wants to loan Yogi Adityanath

Australian parliamentarian Craig Kelly wants to borrow Uttam Pradesh CM, Yogi Adityanath to better the governance of Australia. 
The Australian gentleman doesn't want Laal Topiwala neta's accidental son, nor the overgrown adolescent Gandha Gandhi of questionable pedigree. And genuinely not the hanikaarak commies nor the self proclaimed 'Greatest Gift of God to Bengali Mankind'! 
The gentleman in Australia will be branded a chaddi wearing bhakt by Zero Brain chaddiless idiots in India who move around without having to wrap up their sliced and flacid dic*s under the cover of chaddis. 

* HowIndiaTravels 
* HowWorldTravels

Barack Obama exposed in his book how Congress resorted to Muslim appeasement to hold onto power in India

Barack Obama had exposed the Congress party of India in his book 'A Promised Land'. He had specifically mentioned how Congress had always resorted to Muslim appeasement to stay in power. 

* HowIndiaTravels

Sudipto Sen of Saradha Group paid ₹80 crores in cash

Mukul Roy, the thug of the highest order in TMChii exposed by the man who was the first one to get arrested in the Saradha Chit Fund scam case. 
Sudipto Sen of Saradha Group had allegedly paid ₹80 crores in cash to Mukul Roy. 

* HowIndiaTravels 

Himanta Biswa Sarma made his stance clear on beef eating

"I'm not here to facilitate consumption of beef. I'm here to restrict it", Himanta Biswa Sarma, CM, Assam to Times Now on 2021-07-13. 

Fiberandus, Urban Naxals, Deshdrohis ..... shape up or ship out. 

* HowIndiaTravels

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Australia wants to borrow Yogi Adityanath from UP

It's not only me, even far off Australia wants to borrow Yogi Adityanath, CM of Uttar Pradesh which he is successfully transforming to Uttam Pradesh. 

Ever since October 2018 (or maybe earlier), I have been clamoring for Yogi Adityanath or someone akin to him as the visiting CM of West Bengal. 

It's only Yogiji who can sanitize the state and it's people from all the evils planted en masse by a cactus named Jyoti Basu wef 1977. That man, thankfully dead, was the most diabolical school master (figuratively speaking) that the planet can dream off. All his obnoxious deeds are being taken to new heights by his first bencher 'Bengali girl'! 

* Yogi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai

Friday, July 9, 2021

White Brits will soon be minority in Birmingham

White Brits will soon be minority in Birmingham! 

* How World Travels 

Fast growth of Muslim population and its scary fallout

The fallout of fast growth of Muslim population in England is scary. If it can happen in England, it can happen anywhere else, too. 

Indians should take a cue of the impending dangers of growth in population of the community. 
* How World Travels

Yogi Adityanath reprimanded an UP Police official for dereliction of duty

In a video that has gone viral, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is seen reprimanding a police officer for making the complainant sit in the police station for 24 hrs while the criminals moved around freely. The same police official was reprimanded for other issues, too. 
West Bengal needs Yogi Adityanath as visiting CM or some no nonsense person akin to him to straighten the government department 'babus' and the citizens. 
The rot had started setting in WB ever since 1977! 
Jyoti Basu played it smart by getting school and college teachers to firmly believe and follow his stinking ideology. He lived well and never missed his single malt but ensured that down the line hungry mouths remain his bhakts. These teachers in turn will keep spoiling generations after generations. 
Prior to the WB assembly polls in mid 2021, Modiji had found the right person to do the mammoth task of weeding out the rot from its roots. If things would have happened as envisaged, changes would have been visible by the end of 2021 itself. 
Unfortunately, Haramkhor 'know it all' myopic and deadwood Bangali bhadraloks and bhadramahilas preferred to live on alms and rot in the dark ages. 
Bangalis got what they deserve! 

* Yogi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* How India Travels

Mimi Chakraborty herself took the fake vaccine on 2021-06-22, but also spoke of her plans to reach the vaccine to elderly individuals at home

Mimi Chakraborty, TMChii's celebrity MP on Tuesday, 2021-06-22 was clearly seen taking her 1st jab of Covid prevention vaccine and was thereafter heard saying while remaining seated at the fake Covid vaccination centre in Kasba, Kolkata that it was she who had take the initiative to organize the vaccination camp. She also spelled out her future plans for mass vaccination. 
When Mimi did not receive her SMS from Cowin till evening, she blew the lid by filing a police complaint. And that's how Debanjan Deb, the 'fake' IAS who claimed to be a joint commissioner of Kolkata Municipal Corporation, was arrested by Kolkata PolicePolice on the same evening. 
BJP leader Adv Tarunjyoti Tewari rightfully asks Mimi to clarify her stand and spell out the truth. 

* HowIndiaTravels

Amit Mitra's, WB Finance Minister's budget for 10 years NO vision

অমিত মিত্রের গত দশ বছরের বাজেট এবং তার দর্শন 
দশ বছর যে বাজেট ডঃ অমিত মিত্র পেশ করেছেন, তাঁর অধিকাংশ জায়গা জুড়ে আছে সামাজিক প্রকল্প l কিন্তু স্থায়ী উন্নয়নের জন্য কতটা বরাদ্দ? একটু অন্যভাবে বলি l দুজন গৃহকত্রী l তাদের দুজনেরই হাতেই 5000 টাকা আছে তাদের সন্তানদের জন্য l একজন মা সন্তানের হাতে পুরো টাকা তুলে দেন প্রতিমাসে এবং সন্তান সেই টাকা ফুর্তি করে উড়ায় l মা সন্তানের কাছে খুব প্ৰিয় l দ্বিতীয় মা সেই 5000 খরচ করেন বাচ্চার গৃহশিক্ষক এবং বইপত্রর জন্য l এক্ষেত্রে মা কিন্তু কিছুটা অপ্রিয় হন সাময়িক ভাবে l কিন্তু কোন মা সঠিক?
অমিত মিত্রর বাজেটও সেই প্রথম মার মত l সরকারের আয়ের অধিকাংশ টাকা গত দশ বছর  উনি বিতরণ করে আসছেন মেলা, খেলা এবং বিভিন্ন 'শ্রী' তে l কিন্তু কোথায় তিনি বিনিয়োগ করছেন না? এক, নিয়মিত  স্থায়ী সরকারি কর্মী নিয়োগ l দুই, পরিকাঠামো l তিন, কেন্দ্রীয় প্রকল্পের ম্যাচিং গ্রান্ট , চার, শিল্প-পরিকাঠামো l চারটি বিষয়ে বিস্তারে ব্যাখ্যা করা যাক l
এক, কেন স্থায়ী সরকারি কর্মী প্রয়োজন এবং কোথায়? এবং কেন নিয়মিত প্রয়োজন এই নিয়োগ? আমাদের দেশের প্রায় সব রাজ্যই নিয়মিত শিক্ষক, ডাক্তার, পুলিশ এবং বিচারব্যবস্থায় নিয়োগ করে l এসব ক্ষেত্রে অস্থায়ী কর্মী দিয়ে কাজ হওয়া সম্ভব নয় l যে দায়বদ্ধতা কিম্বা পরিষেবা দেবার ইচ্ছা একজন স্থায়ী শিক্ষক বা ডাক্তারের থাকে, তা একজন অস্থায়ী শিক্ষকের বা ডাক্তারের থাকা অসম্ভব l তাছাড়া মাঝপথে তারা চাকরি ছেড়ে চলে গেলে ক্ষতি অনেক বেশী l গবেষণার জন্য তো স্থায়ী শিক্ষক ভীষণভাবে আবশ্যিক l
বিচার বিভাগ বা পুলিস যদি দুর্বল হয়, তার  পরিণতি একমাত্র মাৎস্যন্যায় l শুধু সমাজ জীবনে নয় l কর্মক্ষেত্র, ব্যবসা, বাণিজ্য, শিল্প সর্বত্র এর প্রভাব পড়ে l উদাহরণ হিসেবে বলা যায়, ন্যূনতম বেতন দিতে নিয়োগকর্তার অস্বীকার, সময়ে বেতন দিতে অস্বীকার, বিনা কারণে চাকরি ছাটাই, নিয়ম ভেঙে দিনে 14 ঘন্টা করে সাত দিন কাজ করানো ইত্যাদি l কলকাতায় এই সংস্কৃতি কিন্তু বহুজায়গায় চলছে l এর মধ্যে ব্যাবসায় পণ্য বা পরিষেবা নিয়ে পেমেন্ট না দেয়া পশ্চিমবঙ্গে মারাত্মক জায়গায় পৌঁছেছে l মূল কারণ ধীর ও অপ্রতুল বিচার ব্যাবস্থা l বহু বাঙালি গত চার দশকে ব্যাবসায় পেমেন্ট না পেয়ে দেউলিয়া হয়ে গেছে, কিন্তু কোন বিচার পাননি l
দুই, পরিকাঠামোতে অপ্রতুল বিনিয়োগ l পশ্চিমবঙ্গে চার লেন রাজ্যে সড়ক সম্ভবতঃ 10% এরও কম l দেশের সব রাজ্যে মেট্রো রেলে 50% বিনিয়োগ করলেও পশ্চিমবঙ্গ একমাত্র রাজ্যযে মেট্রো পরিকাঠামো বানাতে এক পয়সাও দিচ্ছে না l ফলে চাপ বাড়ছে লোকাল ট্রেনের উপর l গত দুই দশকে কয়েক লক্ষ শহরতলির প্রৌড় কাজ ছেড়েছেন ভিড় বাস বা ট্রেনে চড়তে না পেরে l পরিকাঠামোর অভাবে কলকাতার বিকেন্দ্রীকরণও হচ্ছে না বোম্বে, দিল্লির মত l যার ফলে কমছে কাজের সুযোগ এবং বাড়ছেনা শহরতলির জমির দাম l উদাহরণ হিসেবে, শিয়ালদা স্টেশন থেকে যে কোন দিকে 40 কিমি গিয়ে আমরা যদি জমির দামকে তুলনা করি ছাত্রপাতি শিবাজী টার্মিনাস এর 40 কিমি দূরের কোন জমির সঙ্গে, সেটা অন্ততঃ 20 গুন তো হবেই l অথচ 1966 ই কলকাতা ও বম্বে সবদিক থেকে একই জায়গায় ছিল l গত দশ বছরে কত টাকা বিনিয়োগ হয়েছে  কল্যাণী রোড, বিটি রোড, বাসন্তী হাইওয়ে কিম্বা যশোর রোডে? উত্তরপ্রদেশ লখনৌ মেট্রো শেষ করে কানপুর মেট্রো শুরু করে দিল যেখানে রাজ্যে 50% খরচ করেছে l অথচ মমতা ব্যানার্জীর 2009 এর বাজেটে ঘোষিত 100 কিমি মেট্রোর মধ্যে মাত্র তিনটি স্টেশন আজ মানুষ ব্যাবহার করছে l JNNURM প্রকল্পে জলপ্রকল্প হয়নি কলকাতার অধিকাংশ শহরতলিতে l তিস্তা সেচ প্রকল্প বিশ বাও জলে l সুবর্ণরেখা, সিদ্ধেশ্বরী নুনবিল, দ্বারকেশ্বর গন্ধেশ্বরী প্রকল্প শুরুই হয় নি l যদিও 'জল ধরো জল ভারো ' রাজ্য সরকারের একটা সাফল্য l এছাড়া সড়ক সম্প্রসারণ নাহলেও গুনগত মানের দিকে রাজ্যের সড়কে বড় রকমের পরিবর্তন এসেছে l
তিন, কেন্দ্রীয় প্রকল্পে ম্যাচিং গ্রান্ট : যে কোন কেন্দ্রীয় প্রকল্পে রাজ্যকে 40% থেকে 50% ব্যয়ভার বহন করতে হয় l কিন্তু রাজ্যে এই ধরনের দীর্ঘমেয়াদী উন্নয়নে বিনিয়োগের বদলে, সরাসরি মানুষকে টাকা বন্টন করে জনপ্রিয় হওয়া শ্রেয় মনে করেছে l গত দশ বছরে কেন্দ্র থেকে রাজ্য বেশ কিছু বড় প্রকল্পের অনুদান পেয়েছে, যেমন অমৃতসর-ডানকুনি শিল্প করিডোর, লুধিয়ানা-ডানকুনি ফ্রেট করিডোর, মুম্বাই-খড়্গপুর ফ্রেট করিডোর, ইস্টকোস্ট শিল্প করিডোর, গভীর সমুদ্র বন্দর, বিভিন্ন জাতীয় সড়ক, রেল ওভারব্রিজ, বিমানবন্দর সম্প্রসারণ এমনকি নতুন রেলপথ l মোট বিনিয়োগের পরিমান প্রায় তিন লক্ষ কোটি l চাকরি পেত বহু লোক l তার সঙ্গে স্থায়ী পরিকাঠামো তৈরি হবার ফলে বাড়তো জমির দাম l বিনিয়োগ হত শিল্পে l কিন্তু গত দশ বছর রাজ্যের প্রতিটি বাজেট এই ম্যাচিং গ্র্যান্টের ব্যাপারে প্রায় নীরব থেকে গেছে l ফলে আমাদের দেয়া করের পয়সায় পরিকাঠামো উন্নয়ন হয়েছে দেশের সব রাজ্যে l শুধু বঞ্চিত হয়েছি আমরা l
চার, শিল্প পরিকাঠামো l শিল্প পরিকাঠামোর জন্য দরকার সড়ক, জল এবং বিদ্যুৎ l সাধারণতঃ জল এনে দেয় সরকারই l. মূল উৎস বাধ বা সেচ খাল l কিন্তু পশ্চিমবঙ্গে নতুন সেচখাল বহুদিন হয় নি l অমিত বাবুও এই ক্ষেত্রে বিনিয়োগ করেছেন খুবই কম l বিদ্যুতের দাম একটা নির্ণায়ক ভূমিকা নেয় বিনিয়োগের সিদ্ধান্তে  l কিন্তু বিদ্যুতের দামে পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উপরের দিক থেকে তৃতীয় l গত দশ বছরে অপ্রচলিত পুনর্ব্যবহারযোগ্য শক্তি ক্ষেত্রে রাজ্যের বিনিয়োগ নগন্য l কয়লা বিদ্যুৎ বেশী ব্যাবহারের জন্য বিদ্যুতের দাম এখানে বেশী l এছাড়া, সড়ক তো আগেই বলেছি l দুই লেন রাস্তা শিল্পের পণ্য পরিবহনে অযোগ্য l কিন্তু, পশ্চিমবঙ্গের অধিকাংশ রাস্তাই চার লেন l কয়েকবছর আগে সংসদে সৌগত রায় নীতিন গতকারীকে রাস্তা নির্মাণে কেন্দ্র বৈষম্য করছে বলে অভিযোগ করায়, নীতিনজি বলেন পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার জমি দিলে উনি সব রাস্তা ন্যূনতম চারলেন বানিয়ে দেবেন l কিন্তু রাজ্য জমি দেয় নি l
এবার উপসংহারে আসি l পরিকাঠামো উন্নয়নের অভাবে রাজ্যে আসছে না শিল্প ও বাণিজ্য l সঙ্গে আছে সরকারের ভুল জমি, সেজ এবং বিদেশী বিনিয়োগ নীতি l 2011 তে জমি আইনে বড়সড় একটা সংস্কার আনা উচিৎ ছিল, যা সরকার করেনি l বিদ্যুতে ভর্তুকি, জলের কর, পুর কর ইত্যাদি ব্যাবস্থার যে আমূল সংস্কার সারা ভারত করছে, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ তাঁর থেকেও বিরত l আসছে না বড়  বিনিয়োগ, কমছে সুযোগ এবং উত্তরোত্তর বাড়ছে বেকারের সংখ্যা l চাহিদার থেকে শ্রমিকের  জোগান বেড়ে যাওয়ায় কমছে বেতন l কমছে ব্যাবসায় লাভের পরিমান l বিচার বাবস্থা ও প্রশাসনিক অপ্রতুলতায় বাড়ছে শ্রমিক শোষণ l ব্যবসার জগতে চলছে মাৎস্যন্যায় l জীবনে আসছে অস্থিরতা l সরকার সেটাকে সামাল দিতে বহু মানুষকে 100 দিনের কাজের অধীনে আনায় শোষণ কিছুটা কমছে বাজার অর্থনীতির চাহিদা ও যোগানের সূত্র ধরেই l যত সমস্যা বাড়ছে, সরকার ততই সামাজিক প্রকল্পের সংখ্যা বাড়াচ্ছে l কিন্তু এর তো একটা শেষ আছে? অপরদিকে সফটওয়্যার ইত্যাদি শিল্প রাজ্যে থেকে চলে যাওয়ায়, বেশী বেতনের কর্মীরা ছাড়ছে রাজ্য l খারাপ হচ্ছে আবাসন, গাড়ি থেকে রেস্টুরেন্ট সব কিছুর বাজার l প্রতি বছর এগারো লক্ষ ছেলেমেয়ে মাধ্যমিক পাশ করে এবং সঙ্গে আছে বহু ড্রপআউট l কতদিন এই ভাবে চলবে? স্থায়ী সম্পদ না বানিয়ে কিছু সংখ্যাতত্বের খেলা আর সামাজিক প্রকল্প ভবিষ্যত প্রজন্মের জন্য কি রেখে যাবে? অমিত মিত্রের বাজেটকে ইতিহাস কিভাবে দেখবে? শুধুই একটা জমা খরচের ইতিহাস? বিধান রায় বলতে আমরা বুঝি হলদিয়া, কল্যাণী, সল্টলেক, শিলিগুড়ি, দুর্গাপুর, ডিভিসি, ময়ূরাক্ষী, কংসাবতী, বান্ডেল, সান্তালদি l কি রেখে যাবেন মমতা ব্যানার্জী আর অমিত মিত্রের সরকার? কিছু 'শ্রী' এর সমাহার মাত্র?
✍️ সুদীপ্ত গুহ, বিশ্ব ব্যাংক এবং এশিয়ান ডেভেলপমেন্ট ব্যাংকের বিভিন্ন প্রকল্পের অর্থনৈতিক পরামর্শদাতা এবং
পশ্চিমবঙ্গ রাজ্য বিজেপির অর্থনীতি সেলের সহআহ্বায়ক।
০৯.০৭.২০২১, একদিন পত্রিকা। 

P.S: Thank you, Adv Tarunjyoti Tewari for bringing this article to my notice. 

* How India Travels

Himanta Biswa Sarma, CM, Assam joins the league of new generation no nonsense Chief Ministers in India wef May 2021

Uttam Pradesh CM, Yogi Adityanath's resolve for a new, clean, crime free and fast moving India is now being strengthened by the newly elected 15th CM of Assam, Himanta Biswa Sarma who assumed power in May 2021. 

With a new breed of nationalist and no nonsense Chief Ministers coming into the forefront and with a perfect Prime Minister (read, Chief Executive) to back them up, new India is indeed a reality. 

It's only a matter of time before the Lutyens media, the 'zero brains'/ 'buddhi-bichis' and 'deshdrohis' rightfully get a taste of their own wrongdoings since the past 6+ decades. 

* HowIndiaTravels 

Pinarayi Vijayan is Jyoti Basu's younger brother possibly from the same father but different mothers

Pinarayi Vijayan, the re-elected CM of Kerala in mid 2021 is Jyoti Basu's younger brother possibly from the same father but different mothers! Jyoti Basu is credited to have ruined West Bengal by remaining comfortably plonked in his seat from 1977 to 2001. 

Harsh Goenka, the laath maara hua na-layek son of RPG is a known 'Enemies Within' India.
No wonders that he considers Pinarayi Vijayan his 'baap'. 

Newspaper clipping of Deccan Herald dated 2021-07-05 courtesy: Indraneel Banerjee 
* How India Travels 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Maoist apologist Stan Swamy (84) was no saint

Eulogize him, call him benevolent, call him a saint or whatever, a criminal is a criminal. New India will not tolerate anybody's nonsense. 
Under the garb of Holiness, one can't continue with anti Indian subversive activities. 

Good riddance of the 84 years old man who met his inevitable fate in early July 2021 after post Covid recovery complications. 

People can continue with their rhetoric about how sad they are because Maoist apologist Stan Swamy had to die in jail at 84 years of age. However, that's not going to thaw any ice whatsoever. 

* HowIndiaTravels

8th July, the birth anniversary of Jyoti Basu should ideally be a reminder of the man's contribution towards the pathetic state of WB today

8th July happens to be the birth anniversary of an obnoxious person named Jyoti Basu who was single handedly responsible for the death of West Bengal in every respect. He has left behind an equally obnoxious breed of followers who are self centered to the core and love to call themselves comrades 😡 
They have this feeling that they are culturally way above the others. They enjoy all the goodies of life and work overtime to ensure that everyone else remain downtrodden! 
He successfully screwed up the education system so badly that quite a few generations down the line will have to bear the brunt of his misdemeanors. 
Video courtesy: Nation With Namo 

* HowIndiaTravels

Five dreaded gangsters in UP surrendered by themselves fearing encounter

In Yogi Adityanath governed Uttam Pradesh 5 dreaded gangsters surrendered by themselves fearing encounter. 
However, there's another state in India where the CM sits with arrested criminals the whole day protesting the arrest of her favorite lieutenants. 
Ever since early 2019 I have been ranting that West Bengal needs Yogi Adityanath as a visiting CM or someone akin to him. 

* Yogi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai  
* How India Travels  

When Amir Khan and his musclemen brethrens keep marrying Hindu girls, there's no love involved. There's an evil design

Amir Khan (Age: 56 yrs in 2021), whom Lutyens media addresses as Mr. Perfectionist is divorcing his Hindu wife Kiran Rao after remaining married for 15 years. 
Prior to marrying Kiran Rao, Amir  had divorced his 1st Hindu wife Reena Dutta after remaining married for 18 years. 

It won't be long before the very pissful sickulars reach your doorsteps and 'snatch'  away your daughter, sister or even your wife. 

It's only the liberandus who will say that it's all an issue of love and divorce between two adults. 
The community has a very well charted out diabolical agenda. There's no love whatsoever involved in their evil designs. There's only sex and dhoka (deceit). The Muslim community from which Amir hails is working towards marrying Hindu girls, produce Muslim children and ensure that the population of Muslims continue to increase fast in India. 

Stop acting like a 'fiberandu' (fake + liberal + gaandu).  If you behave like ostriches with your face buried into the ground as if everything is fine, it will be you who will be at fault for allowing them to massacre your derriere. 

Open your eyes and smell the putrid air! 

* Love Jihad 
* HowIndiaTravels

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Surrogately waging 'war against India' will not be tolerated

Surrogately waging 'War Against India' under the cloak of fake benevolent deeds will NOT be tolerated in India anymore.
The 'deshdrohis' had their field days for nearly 70 years under the Gandha Gandhis of questionable pedigree. The days of 'khao and khaane do' and associated nonsense have been relegated to history.
Idiots should shape up or ship out.
* How India Travels

Illegal red, blue beacons and stickers openly available in Mullick Bazaar, Kolkata

It's so phenomenally easy to buy a blue or red beacon light to be fitted on roofs of cars and removed in a few seconds if needed. The cost involved is only a couple of hundred rupees. 
Windshield stickers are tailor made to customer's needs. 
The business continues unabated in the automobile spares market in Mullick Bazaar in Kolkata. 
Ever since 2021-06-22 when the fake IAS came to light, there's a tsunami of fake government officials who are tumbling out of the closet. 
Watch how easy it is to procure beacons and fake stickers from Mullick Bazaar. 
Also watch how the Administrative Head of Kolkata Municipal Corporation - cum -  Minister talks and shrugs off responsibility. 
* TMChii Hai Toh Mumkin Hai

Fake Central Vigilance Commission official, Sadique arrested from Kolkata on 2021-06-29 evening

'Fake' Central Vigilance Commission official, Sadique  .... supposedly a resident of Collins Lane nabbed. He is an inspired member of HER 'dudhel goru' (milch cow), viz. Muscleman community and was arrested from Shakespeare Sarani, in Kolkata on Tuesday, 2021-06-29 late evening.
He moved around in his Hyundai i10 red coloured hatchback car (WB02Z0262) flaunting a blue beacon light and CVC sticker on the windshield.

* Kolkata _ City of Fake Humans 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* TMChii Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* How India Travels 

Fake advocate Sanatan Roychowdhury nabbed by Gariahat PS on 2021-07-05 evening

Now a fake man named Sanatan Roychowdhury, a resident of Baranagar  who claimed to be an 'advocate' and a standing council of West Bengal government has been nabbed by Gariahat Police Station on Monday, 2021-07-05 evening. He used to move around in a Ford Ecosport car (WB24AK3916) with blue beacon in Kolkata, the City of Fake Humans. 
He even claimed to be a CBI Special Council. 
He was reported to the police after he had tried to take possession of a prime property owned by one Srinjoy Sengupta in Mandeville Garden in South Kolkata. 
TMChii leaders will now feign ignorance about the real identity of the fake 'advocate'. 
Fake + liberal + gaandus (fiberandus) will jump to the aid of the fake. 

How is it that all such 'fake' high ranking government officials are getting arrested ever since 2021-06-22 when their neighbours are categorically saying that they have been knowing these people as 'officials' since the past 2 - 4 years. It's not that these people had changed their identity overnight and surfaced as 'dignified people' in their respective localities. All of them were long term residents with own houses in their place of stay. Naturally nobody suspected these crooks. 

These fakes wouldn't have managed to survive for so long without the rock solid support of very important people in the administration. 

* Kolkata_CityOfFakeHumans
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* TMChiiHaiTohMumkinHai 
* HowIndiaTravels

Monday, July 5, 2021

UP BJP wins 67 out of 75 Zilla Parishad seats

Congratulations to Uttar Pradesh BJP for sweeping through 67 out of 75 Zilla Parishad seats!
Not a single person was killed. Not a single family was displaced from their home. Not a single woman was sexually assaulted. Not a single child was thrashed. Not a single house was set on fire.
The victors showed humility in victory.
Text courtesy: Dr Indranil Khan 
* HowIndiaTravels

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Fake RT-PCR reports were sold by labs across India just prior to Kumbh Mela

When the conscience of the mass is rotting with corruption in a country, no government or leadership can change it. It's not our government, our leaders, our bureaucrats and our officers who are corrupt. We ourselves are corrupt. After Uttarakhand administration made RT-PCR reports mandatory for devotees attending Kumbha Mela, a significant number of "devotees" presented fake RT-PCR reports just so that they could attend the festival.
In a shocking probe by Uttarakhand state health ministry that has surfaced, more than 100,000 out of total 400,000 covid reports are fake. The reports seem to be prepared by a nexus as the same (bogus) address, phone number, testing kit numbers are present on reports of 500-1000 people. 
This is just the tip of the iceberg as many testing centres, fake labs and government authorities made a lot of money in this process as well - all because there were a large number of people like us who wanted a "fake" negative RT-PCR report to attend the festival. 
Buying fake Covid reports to "fool" the system to attend weddings, festivals and for the purpose of tourism - that's something only our society can do. When the morality and conscience of such a large section of the society is non-existent, what would rules, laws and enforcement authorities do? 
What kind of moral values people have who are being dishonest, fraud and put entire country's life at risk, supposedly to do an act of dharma? Absolutely shameful !!! 
Courtesy: Facebook post of @Kshitij Mohan Singh  dated 2021-06-24. 

* HowIndiaTravels

Friday, July 2, 2021

Sheila Dikshit's death was a fallout of her own secularism and love jihad

Former Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit died due to daughter's (love) jihad, devious son-in-law looting everything and running away with niece! 


All Hindus and their daughters of India who are associated with BJP or so called secular parties, must read this article so that something can be learned from the life of Sheila Dikshit. 


In her last days, Sheila Dikshit was deeply hurt and upset by the deceit and betrayal meted out to her daughter Latika's Muslim husband, Mohammad Imran, who took the money and wealth of both mother and daughter, leaving Latika and ran away with her niece.  Then she became very worried and depressed about the future of her daughter Latika. 
Sheila Dixit's daughter Latika married Imran Mohammad in 1996, who ran away after 20 years in 2016 by taking all his money, land and house fraudulently in his name.  In the year 2016, Imran was also arrested on Latika's FIR.  Latika alleged that Imran has a relationship with another woman, that is why he beats her up.  This is a matter of concern for any mother and in old age the attachment towards children and money increases a lot. 

According to the discussion in the political corridors of Delhi, the account of Sheila Dikshit's lifetime earnings was kept by her Muslim son-in-law, taking all the money, leaving Sheela's daughter and running away with her niece.  The matter went to the police, but due to the threat of blackmailing by the Muslim son-in-law to reveal the secret of earnings, Sheila Dixit thought it right to remain silent. 

Now you can understand that leaving someone's daughter and taking a young niece, a Muslim son-in-law should run away, even if he takes away his life's earnings from above, then no matter how powerful the victim is, he will be badly hurt.  And the tension will also come.  Being so hurt and depressed is the house of great illness.  This disease became the cause of Sheila Dikshit's death. 

The first foolishness was done by a Hindu Brahmin but Congress's secular powerful Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit's daughter Latika by blindly trusting a jihadi in marriage, the second foolishness was done by experienced Chief Minister mother Sheela by blindly trusting Muslim son-in-law and handing over her earnings account  And the third biggest foolishness was committed by Sheela's niece on sister's unfaithful Muslim husband by running away with him in complete blindness.  What will happen if all this doesn't happen to blind people like this? 

From this very serious incident, all the Sanatan brothers, their families and daughters should learn how a Muslim by betraying a very powerful family destroyed and corrupted their identity in love-jihad.  Keep them at home and not for the ghat!*
The biggest unfortunate aspect and experience of this incident is that when a small Muslim with such a big conspiracy even with the mighty Chief Minister of a state, his daughter and niece, destroying his life, his personal, spiritual,  Family, social, political prestige is tarnished, yet he and his party and friendly leaders cannot do anything against him, then what will a common man be able to do? 

Fiberandus, please note. 
Beware of the consequences of your so called secularism. 
Beware of 'love jihad' lurking outside your door. 

* HowIndiaTravels

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Uniquely architectured school in Jaisalmer

An uniquely architectured school in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. 
Very inspirational. 

* EducationAndCareerPundit 
* HowIndiaTravels

Sikhs are now clamoring for strict laws against love jihad

A section of the Sikh community are now craving for a strict law against love jihad. The ground realities have forced them to take an U - turn from their earlier stand. 

It's only when the pissful 'historical gaddars' will come knocking at the doorsteps of fiberandus and start tugging the saree or pallu of their wife, daughter, sister, mother, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, ..... they will start screaming for help and/or justice. 
It might be too late by the time help ever reaches them. All those nonsensical rhetorics and belief about 'bhaichaara' will appear totally deceptive. 

I have quite a few such fools on my list of online and offline friends. I am sure you too have such people in your list. Let's pray that good senses prevail in them at the earliest. 

* HowIndiaTravels

High Court stalls recruitment of Upper Primary school teachers by Mamata government in end June 2021

High Court stalls recruitment of Upper Primary school teachers by Mamata Banerjee government in end June 2021. Huge irregularities noticed once again. 

উচ্চ প্রাথমিকে নিয়োগ অন্তর্বর্তী স্থগিতাদেশ দিল হাইকোর্ট। এটার পরে তৃণমূলের এক মুখপাত্র অত্যান্ত নিষ্পাপ মনে তার ফেসবুকে পোস্ট করেছেন যে বিরোধীরা চায়না যে নিয়োগ হোক, এবং নিয়োগ আটকানোর জন্য বিরোধীরা বারবার হাইকোর্টে গিয়ে নিয়োগ প্রক্রিয়া স্থগিত করিয়ে দেয়।
কি কিউট তাইনা ? 
উল্টো প্রশ্ন কেন করতে পারেনা? প্রতিবার এই নিয়োগ প্রক্রিয়ায় দুর্নীতি কেন হয়? হাইকোর্টের আদেশ অনুযায়ী এবার ইন্টারভিউ লিস্ট কেন প্রকাশ করা হয়নি? ইন্টারভিউ লিস্টে প্রার্থীদের প্রাপ্ত নাম্বার দেওয়ার কথা ছিল। সেটা কোথায়? 
48, 49, 50, 56 বছর বয়সী লোকজন কিভাবে ইন্টারভিউতে ডাক পায় ? 2016 সালে যে ছাত্রের বয়স 18 বছর ছিল সেই কিভাবে ইন্টারভিউতে ডাক পায়? 18 বছর বয়সে B.Ed হয়ে গেছিল? 
এই প্রশ্নগুলো করুক। এই গুলোর উত্তর দিতে নিশ্চয়ই লজ্জা হয় , তাই না?
যোগ্য ছাত্রছাত্রীরা পরীক্ষা দিয়ে নিয়োগ প্রক্রিয়ার জন্য 2016 থেকে বসে আছে। নতুন নোটিফিকেশন এর কথা বাদই দিলাম। সেটা কবে হবে স্বয়ং ভগবানও জানে না। 
আচ্ছা হাইকোর্ট তো এমনি এমনি স্থগিতাদেশ দেয় না, দুর্নীতি আছে বলেই দেয়। এই দুর্নীতি থামানোর কোন ব্যবস্থা তৃণমূল পরিচালিত পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার করেনা কেন? 
পরেরবার যদি কেউ বলে মামলা হচ্ছে বলে নিয়োগ সম্ভব হয়নি তাহলে প্রশ্ন করবেন মামলা কেন হয়? প্রশ্ন করবেন দুর্নীতি কেন হয়? প্রশ্ন করবেন এত বছর ক্ষমতায় থাকার পরেও দুর্নীতিমুক্ত নিয়োগ সম্ভব হয় না কেন? 
Courtesy: Facebook wall post of Advocate Tarunjyoti Tewari dated 2021-06-30. 

* HowIndiaTravels