Sunday, April 11, 2021

Didir Baani - a day after the Coochbehar shooting Mamata is furious that she can't visit Sitalkuchi for 72 hrs after the incident on 2021-04-10

Watch and hear the obnoxious lady with blood in her hands how sweetly she is instigating mob fury at an election rally from Burdwan district, just one day after the Sitalkuchi firing incident which happened on 2021-04-10. 
Does anybody feel that she is indeed sad for the deaths? 
She is furious since EC has issued an  embargo for 72 hrs on political leaders visiting Sitalkuchi and Mathabhanga to whip up sentiments. She goes on to add that in spite of the embargo, she has already defied the orders and met the family members of the deceased via video conferencing on 2021-04-11 morning  😡 
She has always believed that she is the law and nobody can do anything to her. 
Although the reality is that she is the rogue, she labeled Modiji as a criminal. She has the audacity to ask Modiji to see his own face on the mirror. 
Dear hypocrites in my list, please raise your hands if you feel that this lady should come back to power in May 2021? 
And BTW, don't run around screaming for help when her 'bhaijans' (irrespective of them being Hindus or Muscleman) reach your doorsteps tugging at your daughter, wife, sister or mother.  Thank your 'lack of buddhi' for believing in HER. 

* Wb Election 2021 
* Headful Of Lice (ukoon) 
* Headful Of Lies 
* Storyteller Didi 
* Compulsive Bluffer Didi exposed 
* Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* Didir Baani
* Didir Kirti
* Jao Didi Jao
* Aar Noi Annay
* Modi Haters Love Mamata 
* Demonetization Affected Love Mamata 
* Demonetization Affected Hate Modi 
* Hindu Haters Love Mamata 
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* How India Travels

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