Saturday, April 24, 2021

Meltdown Of The Self-Certified ‘Bhodro Bangali Buddhijeebi’ or 'BBB'

The Meltdown Of The Self-Certified ‘Bhodro Bangali Buddhijeebi’ or 'BBB'. 

As the first two phases of polls in WB are over, you can sense a palpable feeling of grief amongst the self-certified ‘Bengali intellectuals’ on social media. They have realised that the ground has shifted, and they are afraid of the change. 

I see a lot of bitterness, a reckless lament of the ‘intellectually superior Bangali being subjugated by the bohirgoto’ and fear-mongering. One worthy actually implied that the ‘cow-belt Indians’ are planning to send all Bangali males to concentration camps and ‘take their women and cows’. 

I am not kidding. 

There is also consternation, at the change happening on ground in Bengal and amongst the educated urban youth of WB. The average 'BBB' is frothing at the mouth at the prospect of the BJP coming to power, but refuses to ask himself/herself why is the voter of WB turning to the BJP. The #BBB hates the sound of the slogan #JaiShreeRam as much as Mamata Banerjee does, and is unable to understand why a religious slogan has become the battle cry of the new Bengal. 
The typical self-certified ‘bhodro bangali buddhijeebi’ in the midst of a meltdown is a person in his/her forties or fifties, employed largely in media/academia, settled in places outside WB. They are the people who left WB at the first possible opportunity, used the system to their advantage and are now safe in their tenured positions, waxing eloquent on the ‘beauty in squalor’ of old Kolkata, while sitting in their plush homes elsewhere. 

As I go through their SM posts and comments, I fell a little sorry for the #BBB. Their hand-wringing is not without pathos, it is the last cry of the privileged and the pampered, as a new Bengali voter emerges, a voter who is not willing to buy the paranoia that a ‘bohorgoto’ will take over Bengal. The new Bengali voter sees her state being ravaged by tolabaji, by rampant illegal immigration of Bangladeshis and Rohingyas, the shameless politics of minority appeasement. She is aware of the ticking demographic bomb. And she knows that, the only way she can keep her state’s uniqueness intact, is by voting for the BJP! 

And this is something the #BBB is unable to grasp. So he expresses his apoplectic rage on social media, calls BJP as an ‘outsider’ party, but welcomes Rohingyas. His bubble of so-called ‘intellectual superiority’ is about to burst, and how! 

Will share SS of this epic meltdown post 2nd May, but meanwhile, enjoy the meltdown wherever you see it! 

(Copied from Shefali Vaidya)

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