Monday, April 19, 2021

Nagendranath Tripathi new SP of Birbhum just before state election wef 2021-04-19

Nagendranath Tripathi has been appointed as the new SP of Birbhum district (wef 2021-04-19) just before the state election in the district. TMChii rogue Anubrata Mondal (Kesto) considers Birbhum district to be his own fiefdom. 
Tripathi is the same police officer who on 1st April 2021 had told HER flat on her face at a booth in Nandigram that he will do nothing wrong (unconstitutional) which might leave behind a dirty stain on his official khaki dress! 
Needless to add, TMChii has already started fuming. 

* How India Travels

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