Monday, April 19, 2021

Didir Baani - plaster from her legs will be removed only after the election campaigns

SHE has hinted that the plaster from her legs will be removed only after election campaign gets over. 
She is so full of vile that she knew allopathy and sympathy will not bring her back to power. Therefore, from 10th March 2021, she tried to get back to power in WB using 'sympathy'. It's certain that she hardly earned any sympathy from people all through the WB Election 2021 campaign while being pushed around in a wheelchair. 
From Krishnanagar in Nadia district on 2021-04-16 she announced that her doctors would remove the plaster on her legs after a couple of more days, viz. only after the campaigns. 
Nevertheless, she has a lot of apologists with 'ponde duto phool chaap' (obnoxious logo comprising of two crudely drawn flowers, stamped on their derriere) who feel that she she is the 'rakshak' of democracy in this wasted state! 
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