Monday, April 19, 2021

Didir Baani - called Modiji a 'jumlabaaj'

The diabolical uncouth LADY is making a last bid try to convey to people that she is truthful, caring and very productive in her governance. 
However, the lady who cherishes blood, murders, sufferings, rapes, mayhem can't do without foulmouthing Modiji. 
She had the audacity to call the PM a 'jumlabaaj', and that speaks of the venom that she rears in her system. 
She doesn't stop emitting GASH with a high speed fan placed behind her 🤭
Location: Krishnanagar, Nadia district, 2021-04-16 afternoon. 

Nevertheless, she has a lot of apologists with 'ponde duto phool chaap' (obnoxious logo comprising of two crudely drawn flowers, stamped on their derriere) who feel that she she is the 'rakshak' of democracy in this wasted state! 
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