Friday, April 9, 2021

Didir Baani - Behala 2021-04-08 false, meaningless and obnoxious rhetorics about Covid vaccines

The bloodthirsty lady just can't stop instigating people with her false, meaningless and obnoxious rhetorics 😡 
Hear her speaking nonsense about Covid vaccines. 
Location: Behala 2021-04-08 
* Wb Election 2021 

* Headful Of Lice (ukoon) 
* Headful Of Lies 
* Storyteller Didi 
* Compulsive Bluffer Didi exposed 
* Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* Didir Baani
* Didir Kirti
* Jao Didi Jao
* Aar Noi Annay
* Modi Haters Love Mamata 
* Demonetization Affected Love Mamata 
* Demonetization Affected Hate Modi 
* Hindu Haters Love Mamata 
* Enemies Within Love Mamata
* How India Travels

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