Monday, June 22, 2020

Mamata feels that trained nurses in hospitals and helpers are the same

Mamata Banerjee wants to fulfill the shortage of nurses in hospitals by recruiting local Bengalis as male and female helpers and training them up for 7 days.
This was her inspiration provided to bureaucrats and hospitals in West Bengal after almost 700 nurses in various private hospitals quit their job without notice during the Covid-19 lockdown period and returned to their respective states in buses provided by those state governments.
She is of the firm belief that any person can be trained as a nurse in 7 days instead of making them go through the rigorous 3 years course curriculum. She even warned her officers that if they can't do it, she will do it herself and show them.
* Didir Baani
* Didir Kirti
* Bengal doomed
* Bengalis shamed 

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