Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Rana Ayyub is celebrating the failure of 81 Made in India ventilators

‪Example of a Paxtani celebrating the failure of 81 Made in India ventilators. ‬

Rana Ayyub, is so obnoxious. She eats, drinks, sleeps, f*rts, f**ks in India but can't stop eulogizing Paxtan. 
Nobody can stop her from going to hell 😠 

And BTW, her parents must have used a condom Made in China and Marketed by Paxtan only once. 
It was obviously defective. 
The epic fail did not add to the population of donkeys in Paxtan, but it produced a corona, and that's her 😠 

* Enemies Within
* How India Travels 

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