Friday, June 12, 2020

Heart of heart SHE actually believes that migrant workers of Bengal working elsewhere are unwanted Coronas

What SHE said on May 29 and June 10, 2020 about her uncouth and diabolical utterance of the words 'Corona Express'. With those utterances, her actual feelings for migrant workers from Bengal was out in the open.
Heart of heart SHE actually believes that migrant workers of Bengal working elsewhere are unwanted Coronas.
Almighty will surely respond accordingly.
The 'Biswa Bangla Bluff Shree' award winner 🏆🎉🏆 every year ever since 2008 goes to the one and only self proclaimed 'Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind'. Never miss out on 'Didir Baani' and 'Didir Kirti'.

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