Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Police thrashed by muscleman mob in Tikiapara, Howrah on 2020-04-28 was a 'Choto Ghotona' (insignificant incident)

Thank god, there was mobile with cameras. Somebody clicked videos of police and Rapid Action Force (RAF) getting thrashed by 'milch cows' who are 'shanti ka doot' in Tikiapara, Howrah on Tuesday, 2020-04-28 and made it viral.
Therefore, it was not a Sajano Ghotona (concocted story).
In a press conference on Wednesday, 2020-04-29, SHE has given her verdict.
The whole incident, according to her was a Choto Ghotona (insignificant incident)!
Have you seen the video of the Choto Ghotona (insignificant incident) of police personnel being chased and thrashed by HER milch cows in Tikiapara, Howrah.
There seems to be a factory inside Nabanna that fries Dhop'er Chop for media professionals 😡
* How India Travels
* Bengal Doomed

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