Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Police deployed to enforce lockdown were assaulted in Tikiapara in Howrah by the 'muscleman' community on 2020-04-28

The cops were deployed to enforce lockdown in Tikiapara in Howrah, West Bengal only after the community spread of Covid-19 by the appeased community had gone out of control.
On Tuesday, 2020-04-28 the 'Shanti Ka Doot' illiterate Muscleman blatantly assaulted the police when they went to enforce the lockdown in Tikiapara.
Milch cows don't spare common citizens.
Milch cows don't spare police who are working for us tirelessly.
Does anybody feel that the same people who raised them on a high pedestal will be spared?
* How India Travels

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