Wednesday, April 29, 2020

No beds for isolation and/ or Corona-positive patients in private hospitals in Kolkata in end April 2020

If anyone tests Coronavirus/ Covid19 positive as in end April 2020 in Kolkata city, the aftermath can be scary.
There are no beds available in any of the private hospitals in the city.
The condition of the wards in government hospitals are pathetic.
Ever since TMC came to power in West Bengal in mid 2011, hundreds of crores of rupees have been spent on external cosmetic beautification of the government owned hospitals, viz. painting and repainting the buildings blue and white, constructing multiple numbers of huge concrete gates in every hospital and a couple of buildings, a couple of medical equipments here and there.
Hear the experience of HER favorite TV channel (ABP Bangla) anchor while trying to admit a colleague's 64 yrs old other on April 25 and 26, 2020 who was tested Covid-positive.
If this is the situation in Kolkata, imagine what the situation would be in the districts of West Bengal which has a huge population density.
* How India Travels
* Bengal Doomed

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