Monday, April 20, 2020

Dr. Saurabh of Safdarajang Hospital speaks about the evil designs of Tablighi Jamaat members nabbed after hiding in a mosque near Army Medical Corps in Lucknow

Large number of Tablighi Jamaat members were found hiding in a mosque near the Army Medical Corps setup in Lucknow, UP.
That was just 2 - 3 days after AMC Day which happened to be on April 3, 2020.
What was the intention of those diabolical idiots hiding near such a strategic location?
Enough of lip service!
The Tablighi Jamaat members belonging to the Muscleman community and their brethrens and all their fiberal apologists must immediately be booked for murder or attempt to murder.
Hear Dr. Saurabh of Safdarajang Hospital in Delhi speaking his heart out about the evil designs of the rogue community.

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