Friday, April 24, 2020

Horror tales of a family in Howrah during lockdown with the chilling episode starting on 2020-04-17

The tales of the family in Howrah, just across the Hooghly River from Kolkata is a chilling eye-opener of the personal whims of an inspirer and the zero governance prevailing in West Bengal.
Quarantined people in West Bengal are vanishing, the hospitalized are untraceable, healthy people are dying after being sent to hospital, cause of death are being falsely noted, dead bodies are being cremated without informing the near and dear ones.
Nevertheless, a whole bunch of chappal-licking opportunistic people are mighty impressed at how Bengal is fooling (not fighting) around with the deadly Coronavirus 😡
It's only if the same fate strikes the very very dear ones of the sycophants will they scream and howl because of their follies and the short term selfish gains.
* Bengal Doomed
* How India Travels
* Coronavirus
* Covid19

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