Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Deadbodies of Coronavirus patients in West Bengal being disposed off on the sly without informing the dear ones

Bodies of people dying of Coronavirus in government hospitals in West Bengal are being disposed off on the sly without even informing his/ her relatives. 
This has been continuing ever since March 2020. 
This video is supposedly what the dear one of a deceased had to go through at the only state government owned Infectious Diseases (I.D) Hospital in Kolkata in the third week of April 2020. Although the gentleman had instructed in writing that he will accompany the body for cremation, the corpse had already been taken away on the sly before his arrival. 
How diabolical can the person be on whose 'inspiration' all this is happening in the state. 
Imagine yourself in this person's boots and the deceased being someone very dear to you  😩😩😩 
* How India Travels 

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