Thursday, May 27, 2021

Trying to save embankments from breaching during Cyclone Yaas in Sundarbans on 2021-05-26

Their great grandfathers did it, and so did their grandfathers, fathers and now in May 2021 they are doing it once again. Every successive election brought no relief to their heart wrenching plight although cyclones strike every 1 - 3 years. 
The attached video from the Sundarbans is of Wednesday, 2021-05-26 when Cyclone Yaas struck them in full fury. 
Whenever there's a cyclone, men and women stand against mud embankments so that raging sea waves strike their bodies and not the embankments. It's albeit a futile effort to stop saline water from flooding their agricultural land and hutments. 
It was a golden opportunity to bring in a change to their misery this April 2021. However, they were brainwashed with lies and lure of small benefits which transform into droplets if at all the benefits reach them. 
It's heart wrenching to watch their misery. Nevertheless, I can't conclude without mentioning the frequently repeatedly term, 'people of the land get what they deserve'! 

* Cyclone Yaas 
* How India Travels

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