Monday, May 24, 2021

Sen Raleigh

In 1952, Sudhir Kumar Sen set up Sen-Raleigh bicycle manufacturing unit in Kanyapur, Asansol. The vast (125,000 sq, ft) modern factory with state-of-the-art equipment had the capacity to manufacture 2,00,000 cycles annually. Initially, the accessories and various components of the bicycles were imported from England and Germany but within a couple of years, manufacturing of these components began in the factory at Asansol. The sturdy cycles gained huge popularity within a short time as the pricing was fixed keeping in mind the buying capacity of the common man. Sen not only concentrated on manufacturing the Sen-Raleigh bicycles but also imported other renowned bicycle brands like Humber, Robin Hood and popularized them in India. Sen-Raleigh bicycles were also exported to different countries abroad.
Sen-Raleigh Company was the only player and ruled the bicycle market in India for many decades as the sole manufacturer and distributer, but gradually other players joined the race and individual manufacturers set up factories in different states and made bicycles locally that they sold at a much cheaper price. Sen-Raleigh Company needed to change its strategy to remain in the race. Amid all this, on August 28, 1959, Sudhir Kumar Sen breathed his last while on a tour to Germany. During this time, the government encouraged the setting up and expansion of four wheeler industry in the country. The middle class was enticed to go for four wheeler vehicles. This gave a big blow to the bicycle market. Sen Raleigh was forced to cut down its price to remain in the business but that did not help and the company’s financial condition went for a downhill journey. 
Finally, in 1975, the Central Government took over the management of the company and continued production under the brand name of Cycle Corporation of India Ltd. But by then the company was embroiled in a series of litigations that led to its closure in the 1990s. However, the Raleigh brand bicycles are still doing robust business abroad. Manufacturing of components are outsourced to companies in China, Taiwan and Thailand from where the cycles are manufactured in the main units at England and America. It is a pity that we Indians failed to continue our association with a premier brand and manufacture world class bicycles here in India. 
The deserted factory, living quarters, and playground – the entire township at Kanyapur off Asansol stands as a silent observer to the golden phase of industrialization this place witnessed and then wilted and then died.
The Sen-Raleigh brand always held a very special place in the hearts of most Indians and still brings back memories of another era for many old-timers. It is not unusual to come across families who still get excited when they announce with pride their vintage possession: a Sen-Raleigh bicycle!
The story of Sen Raleigh Ltd, Asia’s 2nd biggest cycle manufacturing factory 

The Gandha witch with a patch of grey hair in front spoilt it all. She got crores from Punjab and Haryana, nationalized the company and ensured Sen Raleigh's downfall. 
Then came the Hanikararak Jyoti in WB. The bugger drilled the last nail into whatever life was left in the company 😠

* Indian Roadie Recollections

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