Monday, May 31, 2021

Bluff about Covid affected dead bodies floating in rivers in UP exposed

Now that the bluff about Covid affected dead bodies floating in rivers in UP have been exposed, the anti-nationals have stooped down to literally trying to incite people to dump bodies of their dear ones in rivers. 

The mischievous idiots pan-India will soon find cops knocking at their doors! 
Their rona-dhona will not thaw any ice. 

The accompanying video has a series of bluffs which got exposed in addition to the diabolical lie about Covid affected bodies found floating in rivers in UP. 

Every heinous action of the EnemiesWithin India and their bluffing gets exposed with supporting proof. 
The retards can't even bluff with conviction. 

Once action is taken against them they instantly start playing the victims card. 
However, the fools know not that under the able tutelage of a performing CEO of India, every member of the tukde tukde gang will be dealt with accordingly. 
* How India Travels

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