Friday, July 8, 2022

Mahua Mutra

Mutra (Mahua Mitra) now claims victimhood / martyrdom.

She defends poster of goddess Kali smoking by claiming she eats meat.


Arre arre arre.....

Is the woman in the poster eating meat there? Is eating meat equal to smoking? 

Look carefully at the poster.

The woman in the poster has her eyes closed in rapturous enjoyment. Like a woman out to entice. A habitual smoker never smokes to entice. 

Does the woman in the poster depict a goddess like power? 

Or seduction?

Is Kali a goddess of seduction? Why does Mutra pray to goddess Kali? Because she represents feminine energy and power? Or because she can smoke seductively?

Is the poster paying great respect to the goddess? The 'freedom' to smoke is the wannabe urban socialite's power struggle. Is that a representation of power for a goddess that hunts down demons?

The problem Mutra and her type is, that as soon as they see someone degrade or denigrate Hinduism they JUMP to their defence, without thinking, without understanding the motive, without analyzing. 

(Copied from Narayani Ranganathan) 

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