Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Mahua Moitra insulted Hindu sentiments on 2022-07-05

Only yesterday (2022-07-04), Mamata Banerjee said at the India Today Conclave East 2022 in Kolkata that those who abuse religion must be arrested. You can't play with fire." She asked, "Why Nupur Sharma has not been arrested yet?"

And on 2022-07-05, when her own party MP Mahua Moitra said, that for her, Kali is a meat-eating, alcohol-guzzling Goddess, that she has the freedom to look at Kali the way she wants, Mamata has gone on a 'Maun Vrat'. All that she has done is, asked her party to make a statement that Mahua's views were her own, not her party's and that the party condemns "such statements." That's it.

Ms Mamata Banerjee! You can't get away by dissociating yourself from Mahua's statements. You must apply the same standard to Mahua that you wanted to be applied to Nupur Sharma. Don't you think Mahua has abused religion? That too without any provocation. Don't you think Mahua was playing with fire? Don't you think she should have been arrested by now?

If your answer is 'No', then why did you ask for Nupur's arrest? And if your answer is 'Yes', then why hasn't your police arrested Mahua yet?

Answer, Mamata Banerjee, answer!

If you were really serious about your statement yesterday, sack Mahua Moitra from Trinamul Congress. Ask her to resign from Parliament. Arrest her and prosecute her for creating communal tension. Prosecute her for hurting Hindu sentiments. Jail her to set an example for others in your party.

And if you don't do any of the above, it'll be clear that all that you said yesterday was a sham. You said what you said just to appease Muslims who have made you the Chief Minister of West Bengal.


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