Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Didir Baani more than 55 hrs after Partha's arrest

The one and only Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind who professes to be a Symbol Of Integrity has opened her mouth at around 4.00 pm on Monday 2022-07-25 for the first time after Byartha (aka. Partha) Chatterjee's arrest by ED arly on Saturday, 2022-07-23 morning. 
Note the panic in her voice. 
That she is the chief mastermind/ beneficiary of the multi crore school employees appointment scam is evident from quite a few words and offcourse her rhetoric at 4 mins 45 sec. 
Video courtesy: Aaj Bikel 
* Didir Baani 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India

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