Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Voter ID gets linked to Aadhar Card, Bill passed in Lok Sabha on 2021-12-21

Every voter card to be linked to Aadhar Card. 
Election Laws (amendment) Bill 2021 passed in Lok Sabha on 2021-12-21. 
My predictions are that the 'achche din' aren't far when everyone can cast only one vote against one Aadhar number (which in any case is already linked to a mobile number) while remaining seated at home. 
No Queen claiming to be a 'symbol of integrity' can unleash terror on voters or officials. The drainage of public fund from the national exchequer will be a miniscule of the expenses incurred since the past 70+ years. There will be no post poll violence in the guise of 'khela hobe' songs or slogans. 
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