Saturday, December 18, 2021

Mahua Moitra got a taste of her own arrogance from Mamata Banerjee in Nadia district in December 2021

Mahua Moitra got a taste of her own arrogance from none other than Mamata Banerjee. 
Can't forget her showing the 'middle finger up' to Arnab Goswami during a debate on Republic TV. 
Mamata did not stop at just showing the crude 'middle finger up' signage. Mahua was caught unawares when in early December 2021, Mamata reprimanded Mahua and figuratively just shoved it up, needless to mention where, during the District Administrative Meeting in Nadia district in the presence of bureaucrats and TMChii workers! 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India 

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